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RE: Scarcity on hive - Thoughts on reblogging

in Rant, Complain, Talk • 3 years ago

Lol, why thank you. I own my bonkers, wear it like a badge of honour. But yeah, sometimes I'm not bonkers. 🤪

I agree with you and have nothing against reblogging. It's when it becomes so prevalent, spam, that I start to go bonkers. Twenty in a row, one after the other? There's no use-case for such assfuckery is there? Methinks not.

In my knucklehead noggin one reblog per day works. I could be wrong. It's happened once before. 😉


One would be perfect! Eliminate the spam. Personally I think re-blogging she go bye bye. One and done.

 3 years ago  

Agreed, agreed and agreed. (All three statements you make).