Why do these people deserve/need this kind of wealth?
They don't. Some people at various companies deserve to be well paid. Various people that founded and built companies deserve compensation and a share of the profit as well. The way it is now though, many of those people that work hard and built companies are NOT well paid or compensated. There are founders that are poor now while their companies flourish, because they left or were screwed out of shares or whatever. Also, the workers that helped build companies are often not well paid or compensated, such as with stocks. It is fully up to the companies how they compensate who. The majority mainly only compensate executives well.
IMO there needs to be regulation to at least ensure that companies that are successful and/or that compensate executives, also compensate their employees and pay a living wage.
Might be an unpopular opinion in the crypto space, but if you can pay your executives well, you shouldn't be exploiting your workers.
How many of them do you think make a "living" where they can create on youtube full time? I'd guess it's closer to 1% of those 5% that are creators, most likely even less.
I think you're right that it's less than 1%. But you don't have to necessarily make a living doing it. Even just a bit of extra income helps a lot of people. Especially if it's something you enjoy doing. Unfortunately a number of years back YouTube changed it so you had to have a minimum number of views or something to get payout, which is bullshit.
Likely a way for them to increase their revenue or something.
Rather than making money off of people barely making anything, they should have increased the fees from large creators.
I still say there should be ad sharing on Hive. But people are too opposed to ads. Primarily because so many sites these days have such annoying ads that inundate you everywhere. So they can't even imagine the old style of just maybe a banner ad at the top and bottom and maybe the side.
You may think that crypto and blockchain is here to change that but if you take a deeper look at most of the new projects being launched most of them operate in a similar fashion to companies in the past.
Even Hive itself is largely centered around the idea of a return on investment for many things. We need to think about more ways to reward people for being here and engaging and growing this place. Not just the whales.
Sorry for the long reply. I do go on sometimes.
I guess instead of ads we could start off with the other big income source to the general web2 folks: sponsorships. For that we need more consumers, though. I doubt any company would pay me to post about their product even if I'm potentially one of few authors on hive that consistently gets a lot of attention.
Well, there is always affiliate income. But people on Hive hated people using affiliate links last time I was here.
There was just an announcement by InLeo of a new subscription option, to subscribe to users, which will be fully enabled with the new hard fork. Problem is that currently it's only for InLeo Pro. But with auto-renew for more than one person being enabled with the new Hard Fork, and the ability to have encrypted posts, it should, hypothetically, be possible for other front ends to also enable the feature. Would suck if you have to use InLeo.
myeah one thing i disliked about leo was the "removal" of things we always were able to do unless u pay premium, it's like taking the worst things of copying what twitter/x is doing and trying to implement them here rather than innovating.
Hope @peakd decides to give everyone the option to get subscriptions and encrypt the text to only allow those subbed to you to see it without forcing people to pay for "premium" or that nonsense.