An unpleasant sight witnessed at a PTA activity / PTA活動で見た厭な光景



As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve been helping with preparations for the elementary school’s thank-you party over the past few days.

Yesterday was finally the big day. Since I had been asked to help with the final setup in the morning, I left home before 10 a.m. and headed to the school.

The group of helpers was the same as the day before. After exchanging brief greetings, we finished up the remaining paper flowers. Once we had prepared the reception area and set up drinks in the gymnasium where the event was to be held, I glanced around the venue. At the front, a group of mothers—who appeared to be the organizing committee—were gathered, holding documents and making final checks on the program.

Then, as I casually turned around, I noticed a mother from my child’s class standing alone. Since our children are in the same class, I had spoken with her before. She was also a member of the organizing committee. However, instead of joining the group of organizers, she was standing at a distance, merely observing. She is not Japanese.

One of the moms helping alongside me muttered,

“She’s on the organizing committee, right? Maybe she can’t join in?”

That did seem to be the case.

Apparently, most of the organizing committee members were already close friends through club activities. I don’t know how she ended up on the committee, but she didn’t seem to be part of that club and didn’t appear to be friends with them either. The members at the front, busy with their meeting, didn’t call her over or acknowledge her presence, acting as if they didn’t see her at all.

I casually greeted her and lightly encouraged her to join the meeting at the front. But she replied that the members had told her, “Just come to the reception desk ten minutes before it starts.” It felt as if she was being left out entirely. Moreover, the way the boss-like mom spoke to her so curtly bothered me. None of the other committee members made an effort to talk to her either. The whole situation felt increasingly uncomfortable.

Watching her standing there alone, observing the meeting from a distance, made my frustration reach its peak. I’ve always had a hard time with groups—especially women’s groups. While it’s natural for people to form close friendships, groups inevitably lead to hierarchies and exclusion. I hate getting caught up in that dynamic, and I hate witnessing it too. That’s why I’ve kept my distance from groups for a long time. It’s already difficult enough to integrate into an established group alone, and for someone like her, a foreigner, it must be even harder.

Of course, I don’t know the full background of the organizing committee, and maybe she was simply assigned a different role from the others. But it still seemed unnatural that she alone was not participating in the final meeting. She also looked visibly uncomfortable. What I saw unfolding before me looked like nothing more than exclusion. And that realization gave me a different perspective on the organizing committee members, whom I had previously thought of as kind moms taking on a tough job. I couldn’t help but feel disheartened.

Later, perhaps because I had been speaking with her, another mom who was helping out asked me, “Isn’t she on the organizing committee? Why isn’t she doing anything?”

On what should have been a lovely thank-you party day, I ended up witnessing something unpleasant. I have no one to vent to, so I’m writing it here🥺















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Is home schooling a possibility in Japan? International school too expensive right? Being a foreigner anywhere is tough unless one is extremely talented, capable, and already achieved financial freedom.


わかりますーーーーー!めっちゃわかります!!私もそのクチです。女子校で入学早々にがっつりいじめにあったのでもう。いい女性も多いんですけどね、、、Hive JAなんて女だらけですが、居心地いいですし。


ゆっくり休んでくださいね ☺️