Whoever walks the streets of any Venezuelan city or town could think of anything except that the country just suffered the most shameful political and social disruption in the last 80 years.
On January 10th, Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, who won the July 28th presidential elections with almost 70% of the popular votes, was supposed to be sworn in office. However, the dictator who enjoys the full support of the military and some covilian sectors, decided to ignore the people's will and have himself worn-in instead. They have too much to lose if they renounce power.
These murals are supposed to represent his supporters' will. They read: "on the 10th, I swear in with Maduro for the future."
Well, besides the alleged normality in the streets (resulting from people's fear of the military, para military and police forces), what pops up is the results of 25 years of "future."
This is what awaits the average citizen sooner or later, unless they buy into their corruption schemes.
Not even total servitude to the tyranny can guarantee people's survival. There are countless examples of total poverty among their minions or blind appologists.
The streets may be quiet now, but the very survival insticts, once they are triggered will make this peaceful future unsustainable.
Damn that’s disheartening to hear man, I know many were looking forward to Maduro getting out of there but that’s the trouble with dictators - they don’t like to leave.
Noup, they don't, unless...
Unfortunately, the democracies of the world have other priorities. They usually agree on extreme measures only when their interests are at risk and apparently this dictatorship, its alliances with all other tyrannies on earth, and the 8 millions people it has forced into exile are not threat enough for anyone.
Dude... good to know you are still around. I don't know what is the way out of this mess to be completely honest.
On the one hand I would love if the US gets in there and cleans house, but don't think they would do that out of the goodness of their hearts either. They would probably take a good portion of the cheese.
All that said, what choices does Venezuela have at this point? Maduro has shown that he has no problem sending the military into the streets to kill people if they rebel against his regime, so the people know that if they protest, they will die.
It's just so fucking sad...
Thanks for stopping by, man. I think that most Venezuelans wishing for a change are fully aware of what the USA can do, if they finally decide to intervene. They are more than willing to pay the price. After all, at least two other imperialist powers (and many leeches) are already enjoying much of the cheese at the expense of innocent lives and the destrucción of a whole country and culture.Hey, @meno
There is no other possible way around this. Other L.A. countries like Brazil, Argentina, or Chile have been able to alternate leftist and rightist (or at least centrist) governments. Their institutions still work and their armed forces are not so corrupted or sold out to an ideology. Venezuela is beyond repair if we expect political change via regular channels. It has been proven already. We went ahead and voted against the current regime and no institution has respected that constitucional mándate.
An armed conflict sounds like a high price to pay, but we have already been looted and on top of that innocent people keep dying or fleeing. We have become a burden for the whole region (regardless of how hard our people work and contributes with their talents); you know how nationslism works when too many foreigners start coming into your house.
It is sad and tragic, despite the apparent peace and normality.