The video you will see is a sample of the kind of scum that has governed Venezuela in the last 20 years and the complicity culture that allows them to. The most recent example of their vulgarity and contradictory behavior, coming from Jose Vicente Rangel Jr., the same man who, as Vice Minister for Social Safety, allowed organzied criminals to claim territories as Territories of Peace, a euphemism for "territory where we operate without government intervention and we promise to give them a share of whatever money we make. We also promise to keep people on a short leash so that the do not protest against the giovernment."
Now in a bizarre display of sexism the incumbent major and his wife produce this vomitive video with their electoral offer.
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"The important thing about this Women Institute is that here we are going to get machos (studs) for all women. Very important. Besides, there will be of all kinds to satisfy their taste. Of whatever size they want (the man of course). Here we'll be pleasing them all."
Major's Wife:
"The best thing about this institution for women is that I am the personal lawyer of all the men of the Sucre Municipality. You, too, will have your space here because we [women] are cuaimas 'snakes' and snakes must be controled."
This is not an isolated case of uncouth behavior from chavistas. One of the things they resent is that those who oppose them associate them with marginal behavior (in Venezuelan spanish meaning the behavior of poor, uneducated people). Offensive as the term may be, they have made marginal behavior their pride flag. They can go against gays, lesbians, blacks, the rich, whites, Jews, priests, or whoever they please with a discourse loaded with vulgarity, violence, and shamelessness, and their followers will applaud, even if there are gays, lesbians, or Catholics among them.
Chavez himself was an exemplar of gender violence, but even his wife came out to defend him, even after their separation.
So, this is Venezuela, the country where the bizarre is cotidian; where everything is possible.
The problem of democracy is that the majority elects and when the majority is poor, uneducated, and vulnerable enough (as they have turned the voting mass), then the worst will be elected and the country will remain in a perpetual state of chaos and moral debauchery.
Lamentablemente no hay traducción al ingles para este tipo de políticos, siendo la palabara más acore Mamarracho :
Si no fuera por todo el poder que ostentan, mamarracho podría definirlos, pero me temo que son más que "faltos de formalidad y compostura". Los define la maldad y el morbo del disfrute de los daños causados. El cinismo e inmoralidad de sus acciones serían muy tomados en cuenta en cualquier otro universo. Lo irredimible del daño causado los hace dignos de todo castigo y repudio.
Disgusting, they're The lowest level
What the hell? This is insane! Not to mention that guy is surrounded by hoodlums, not even real police or guards. That’s crazy, reminds me of some ISIS photo or something.
They are as bad as ISIS (both the hoodlums and their revolutionary godparents). This revolution understood the political value of these scoundrels. They became the best mecanism of social control. They justified their generosity under the lame argument that these young men were the result of savage capitalism and that they deserved a chance of social reinsertion.
All they have done is to make sure that our barrios will always have plenty of poors who can become easy recruits for these criminal organizations. Since they can eliminate them anytime, just like they did with those in San Juan de Unare, they know they will have faithful radical followers who are nothing but their urban guerrilla/paramilitary army.