It has rained heavilly in Venezuela for more than two months now. It has rained like we had not seen in a long time. Some places have been more affected than others. Some people have suffered horrible tragedies, like the one in Tejerias or the most recent one in El Castaño. From Mérida in the West to Sucre in the East, there is not one state that has not reported some kind of damage or losses casued by the heavy rains, landslides, and/or floods.
The streets of Cumaná look under water. Some houses in some neighborhoods are literally so and the storms seem to just line up one after another. We have an expression in Venezuelan Spanish: con el agua al cuello (water up your neck). We were already feeling like that before the rain.
Yesterday afternoon, while we were struggling to keep valuables away from the rain that was leaking trough the roof, I got the news that my mother had fallen down and hurt at least one leg. She is 83 years old and almost blind, with a long history of heart problems. A news like this makes the expression "water up the neck" have a different, yet similarly mortifying meaning. After 24 hours, my mother has not been taken to the hospital because in that town, which is a municipality capital, there is not a single ambulance. Firefighters do not have equipment either and, judging by the description my sister gave me of what they tried to do to get her on a pickup truck, they may also lack proper training. She was screaming in pain and could not be moved. So far, we do not know if she got a broken bone and that uncertainty is eating me alive.
I am going to travel to my hometown tomorrow to see how I can help.
Once again, I can't help but reflect about the maginitude of our crises. In the event of a natural disaster is when we see how behind we are in terms of technological advances and technical or material resourses to respond to numerous and simultaneous emergencies. Most towns in Venezuela lack ambulances or hospital facilities with the most basic services. After the massive exodus of professionals in the last 10 years, now we also lack qualified personel in every hospital. We do not think how bad this government is or how urgently we need to do something about it until we or one of our loved ones suffer the consequences
Raining is fun but not flood and landslide. My region (Sabah, Malaysia) also affected. Last yr was worst whether the flood water level was till the roof of sedan car and the mud was half the car...
That sounds terrible. It is a humbling experience to see what nature can reduce us to. I see images of cars being dragged by mudslides like they're toys and houses being reduced to nothing and all han bragging about technological achievement seem like a joke all of a sudden.
Stay safe. Hope weather improves in your region.
Lamento muchísimo lo que le ocurrió a tu mamá, ¿dónde se encuentra? Espero puedan hallar la manera de trasladarla y que no tenga ninguna fractura. Con respecto al final de tu relato, no pudiste decirlo mejor... cuando nos toca alguna emergencia a nosotros mismos o a algún ser querido, es otra la historia. Allí reaparece con más fuerza la crisis que estamos viviendo en Venezuela, de la que todos tratamos de "escapar" de alguna manera, sobre todo a los que seguimos aquí viviéndola de cerca. ¡Saludos @hlezama!
Gracias. Está en Yaguaraparo (costa de Paria). La situación es extrema en todo el país. Cumaná, siendo la capital del estado sufre carencias impensables hace 30 años, pero cuando uno va a los pueblos de los municipios olvidados, el panorama es sencillamente dantesco.
En estos momentos, para completar el cuadro, todo el pueblo está a oscuras por la invasión de "palometas peludas", la peste que históricamente nos ha azotado. Científicos locales y extranjeros habían diseñado estrategias para controlarla, pero gracias a la negligencia política, el pueblo está a merced de toda clase de complicaciones.
😱 lo de la peste no lo sabía, ¡qué horror! 🤦♀ Sí, así está todo el país... tengo familiares que viven en el interior y los cuentos son de terror, un retroceso terrible. En Caracas no se ""siente"" tanto la cosa porque es la Capital, pero otro cuento es en los demás estados del país. Ojalá encuentren la manera de ayudar a tu mamá y que no sea nada grave 🙏. ¡Saludos! @hlezama
Thanks. I hope to post soon about it. Nothing good so far. Nightmare after nightmare. Just because of the inhumane and utterly barbaric health system, Venezuela must be rescued by an international coalition. So far, there is no evidence that people in a position of power (around the world) truly cares about humanity.
Sorry to hear about all that rain and also about your mom's fall. I hope she is able to get medical attention and heal quickly!
Thanks for your good wishes. Unfortunately, she, like most people in this hospital (Carúpano), has not receive anything close to medical attention. I will post as soon as I can. This is my third day in a raw (breaking my zero sleep record; nothing to be proud of).
My mother is suffering and surgery is not only not an option, even if it were it's unaffordable. Waiting for an ambulance to take her back home (1 hour drive). Something as simple as an ambulance here is a miracleHey, @kenny-crane
Hola @hlezama. Una vez mas logras reflejar una realidad que de verdad no quisieramos vivir. Todo por negligencia de un Estado que no hace su trabajo, estamos desprotegidos. En lo particular le tengo panico a esas palometas peludas que has nombrado, son una verdadera plaga. Espero que tu mamá se recupere, mis mejores deseos y saludos.
Por ahí dejé algún adelanto en los comentarios. This is so hard, manGracias, @nbarrios67
You're right: we often don't consider how dreadful circumstances are until they affect us personally. I do hope your mother gets the help she needs.
It is finally raining here, after an unusually warm and dry fall.
Thank you very much. It's been a sad and hard week, but we are doing our best because there are about three harder months of recovery ahead of her/us. She got almost zero medical attention.
May that rain bring you and your loved ones many blessings. My most sincere wishes.
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