Demandingly persuasive and brilliantly argued.
You’ve hit the nail firmly on the proverbial head! I wish that this article could be syndicated throughout the world. I wish that all the “masses” had an opportunity to read your wonderfully wise words because your words cut through the chaff! Your words would make all the minions THINK!
Thank you my friend, @itsostylish.
It is so clear to me. The campaign of that person is a classic scam. I don't say the name because it is a trigger. I figure, if readers can guess who it is, by merely reading a description, then the folly of their choice will become clear. Who promises to tear up the foundational document of a democracy? Madness. Who promises to be a dictator? Unthinkable. But people hear the words and if they are associated with someone by that name, the words become acceptable.
I appreciate your endorsement. If only you could vote😂