NEGRO MATE (spa-eng)

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago (edited)

Hoy les vine a contar algo que sucedió y que por más que pedí ayuda no la obtuve, y la única vez que intenté contárselo a un hivers no pude y solo comenté, estoy odiando la vida y solo quiero morir, a lo que me respondió acaso tú crees que no pienso igual, que no tengo problemas.... Bueno.... la cosa es que obtuve una respuesta un poco fuerte y ni siquiera sabía que era lo que me había pasado, nunca pude contarle que era eso que me tenía tan alejada de todo y todos....

Antes que nada, a todos los que me leerán y ¡Dios! espero sean muchos, les pediré una sola cosa, si llegan a comentar esta publicación; por favor no quiero mensajes de consuelo, ni de pobre de ti, detesto la lastima.

Muchos me conocen como Pantera y si hace un buen tiempo que he estado muy alejada de Discord y de acá de PeakD y es por la siguiente razón, a la Pantera le hicieron daño y ya han pasado unos cuantos meses de ello, y hasta hoy es que puedo decir que puedo hablar de cómo me siento.

Negro mate fue la canción que me dedico la persona que me hizo daño, yo le entregue mi amistad, mi sinceridad, mi bondad porque sí, soy muy buena persona y le regale mi confianza y me pagaron abusando de todo ello como también de mi cuerpo, sí eso mismo que pensaron con esa última frase, y se las confirmo con esta otra frase que diré, CUANDO DICES QUE NO, ES NO.

He intentado volver a mi vieja rutina, pero es mentira que lo lograre, muy poco entro a estas plataformas y lo único bonito que me hace entrar una y otra vez con ustedes, los que me conocen y se alegran que entro a algún chat en los servidores de Discord, los que me dicen hace tanto que no estas, bienvenida de nuevo...

La vida luego de eso me ha traído buenas personas, tengo amigos nuevos, pero no me gusta el contacto físico si no lo inicio yo, pues solo así es como siento que tengo el control solo si lo inicio yo. También por muy loco que parezca es que he conocido a personas que han atravesado la misma situación y vaya que son muchos, en mi caso fue alguien que pensaba que era mi amigo pero en caso de ellos fueron personas que eran familia, otros que fueron extraños, otros que fueron muy chicos y ni por sus caritas de angelitos; porque eran unos niños pequeños no llegaban ni a los 6 años , ni por eso pudieron dejarlos tranquilos, pero bueno todos en el ahora entramos en el mismo saco, alguien profanó nuestros cuerpos, y corazones dejándonos un mal recuerdo que con el tiempo se ira haciendo más borroso.

Hoy decidí hacer este escrito como desahogo y como un llamado a la conciencia de los jóvenes y adultos, padres cuiden de sus hijos, no los dejen solos y muchachos capten las señales, aunque no creas, esas señales siempre están y te ayudan a salir de problemas, yo no pude, pero tu si, CUIDATE Y SE FELIZ, me despido hasta un próximo post más alegre ya que sé que pronto volveré con cosas bonitas que aplastaran el dolor que tuve todos estos meses.

GRACIAS POR LEER, cuídate en serio...



Today I came to tell you something that happened and that no matter how much I asked for help I didn't get it, and the only time I tried to tell a hivers I couldn't and I just commented, I'm hating life and I just want to die, to which he answered me, do you think I don't think the same, that I don't have problems.... Well, .... the thing is that I got a very strong answer and I didn't even know what had happened to me, I could never tell him what it was that had me so far away from everything and everything ....

First of all, to all those who will read me and God! I hope they are many, I will ask you only one thing, if you comment on this publication; please I don't want messages of comfort, or poor you, I hate pity.

Many know me as Pantera and if it's been a while since I've been away from Discord and PeakD here and it's for the following reason, Pantera was hurt and it's been a few months since then, and until today I can say that I can talk about how I feel.

Negro mate was the song that the person who hurt me dedicated to me, I gave him my friendship, my sincerity, my kindness because yes, I am a very good person and I gave him my trust and they paid me abusing all of it as well as my body, yes that's what they thought with that last sentence, and I confirm it with this other sentence that I will say, WHEN YOU SAY NO, IT IS NO.

I have tried to return to my old routine, but it is lie that I will achieve it, very little I enter to these platforms and the only nice thing that makes me enter again and again with you, those who know me and are happy that I enter to some chat in the Discord servers, those who tell me so long ago that you are not, welcome back ....

Life after that has brought me good people, I have new friends, but I don't like physical contact if I don't initiate it, because that's the only way I feel I'm in control only if I initiate it. Also, as crazy as it seems, I have met people who have gone through the same situation and there are many, in my case it was someone who I thought was my friend but in their case they were people who were family, others who were strangers, others who were very young and not even because of their little angel faces; because they were little kids they were not even 6 years old, not even for that reason they could leave them alone, but well all of us now are in the same bag, someone desecrated our bodies and hearts leaving us a bad memory that with time will become more blurred.

Today I decided to write this as a relief and as a call to the conscience of young people and adults, parents take care of your children, do not leave them alone and boys catch the signs, even if you do not believe, those signs are always there and help you out of trouble, I could not, but you can, TAKE CARE AND BE HAPPY, I say goodbye until a more cheerful next post because I know that soon I will return with beautiful things that will crush the pain I had all these months.

THANK YOU FOR READING, seriously take care of yourself.....

Translated with (free version)


 2 years ago  

Do you mind translating the post with a translator and putting it at the bottom? I don’t speak Spanish well enough to read it!

👍 seguro
thank you for reading, and for your vote.

 2 years ago  

Thank you for translating it!

That’s a terrible situation, I don’t know how that is but I’ve known people that have gone through it and it is extremely difficult! We have a wonderful son and we are trying the best we can to protect him from the nasty shit like that in the world, as I know there are sadly lots of it that goes around. I can’t figure out the reason as it’s wrong on so many levels!

If you need to post about any of it please feel free to use the community here, it’s for all types of content and I’m glad you shared this with us, I know that it’s very difficult to talk about these things but it feels better to get it out there so we can move past it.

Thank you very much for your comment, it is really not easy.

I knew that the post would not get far because sometimes to win votes you have to read them to the public, but this time I think I'll just leave it as a small piece of venting because as much strength as I currently have, I do not think I can read it so directly.

Thanks again for your votes.

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