My heart was aching. I felt it coming. I'm comforted in knowing that all things must play out in their own time for other, more significant events to come to pass. It has been written. The Trump era is only a part (puppet I must say) in the bigger scheme of things.
Thanks for sharing this. I certainly appreciate it.
Thank you very much, @justclickindiva. There is so much going around that is inaccurate, so much that is misleading. I can't use the word lies, because that word has been stripped of significance in recent times. I had to do this for me. Even if not one person cared, I had to piece it all together and get it on paper, clear.
I'm hoping for a polite and rational rebuttal. Maybe then I could understand how a good person could justify voting for this man. If the rebuttal is not polite and rational, I will simply ignore it.
Thank you again.
How can one defend the indefensible? I've asked that numerous times over the past eight years.
Maybe that explains the silence.