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RE: Scholli, Sushi, Schnurrsula - Laughter is the best medicine!

in Rant, Complain, Talk4 years ago (edited)

Awesome! Human beings socializing and having fun like we used to way back in the day before the "thing which shall not be named." It's good to see smiles on faces, and it looks like this was a much-needed time with friends. Blessings from Suriname.

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 4 years ago  

Hehe it was a good time that day. Short but fun. Things will get better for everyone, for sure.

Maybe it is a time to contemplate about all the things in life, where humanity wants to go and in which kind of way.

Cor... makes visible what was hidden under the surface of superficiality for a long time and we can actually learn something from least that was my hope.