Spain, paradise and breeding ground for parasites - España, paraíso y criadero de parásitos

There are few things that put me in such a bad mood as reading the newspaper and finding new laws and reforms approved in Spain whose purpose is none other than to continue sinking the country, raising social parasites and rewarding every time those who do nothing, absolutely nothing... I can't help it, but seeing these things poisons me.

Well yes, today it is Spain, they have extended the aid (what we call here 'las paguitas') to more people, with even less requirements and with more amount .... but I have not had my salary raised for years.

Sincerely, I believe that honest and hardworking people are not fully aware of what is behind all this and how this disgusting system that is being set up in Spain is being sustained.

The average salary of a worker will be about 1200€ approximately, the employer who pays that worker has to pay about 2100€ for that worker, practically double what the worker earns, and where does that money go? the difference between the worker's salary and the cost for the employer?

To maintain all the communist and socialist chiringuito, to finance the little payments that the state gives to more and more parasites, that 7 out of 10 people around you live better than you because they do not have to sell their time to anyone and on top of that the state encourages them to do so by paying them, maintaining them and rewarding them.

But that's not all, of those 1200€ you have collected, you still have to pay taxes, income tax, withholdings, blablabla.... so in the end you will have collected about 1000€, but the state has earned for your work 1400€ that will distribute at its discretion among all the parasites that we are surrounded by ... magnificent, no? It is really disgusting, sad, discouraging, disappointing.... is disgusting what they are doing with this country, we are the shame of Europe for this and many more reasons, but we are a dunghill of a country and every day that passes is bigger ...

This country was great, it was a great country, with a great future, with a society with values.... I honestly have not seen or lived it, my grandfather has told me, as if it were a story ... when in Spain you could work freely and get paid for it and consequently, live as you deserve and you are earning day by day. That has been forgotten, long ago, and I doubt it will come back... today even if you work hard you are penalized and you have to pay much more taxes, it is really sad to say it mildly.

My grandfather worked as the most, because he wanted to, because he wanted to work, earn money, live well, give a good life to his family, he had 4 jobs at the same time and earned a lot of money.... do you know when that ended? when the socialists and unions arrived.... chased people and companies to ensure that no person worked more than X hours a week hahahahaha funny right? That is, if you want to work and earn more money, socialists and unions come to tell you what you have to do, and that by working more than the account, you will have to pay much more in taxes, ie penalize you for it ... and from there to the point where we are today .... as I said, the first part I have not lived firsthand, I have told my grandfather many times ...

And this does nothing but foment hatred, disgust.... among society.

I know that it is not the direct fault of the people (I say direct, because those people are the ones who vote for that government that will give them access to that, they do not realize that the only thing they do is to buy them for a handful of coins, so they can be calm and quiet while ruining everything), but I can not stand to see a person who does not work because he does not want to live better than me based on my work (what they steal from me in taxes), and earning money in black as a hobby. ... yes gentlemen, those people live much, much better than me and the majority of workers...

Even so, it is superior to me to come across these people and fill me with hatred and disgust, because I am supporting them, with my work, so that while I work they dedicate themselves to crime, trafficking, sleeping, watching TV.... I can't stand it, it makes me go crazy...

In short, this country is in ruin, going towards an even deeper ruin, being the shame of Europe and even the country itself surviving on the basis of small payments from Europe, because it continues to be sustained (for the moment) by the money injected by the European central bank ... even the state itself lives on payments.

How disgusting for God's sake


Hay pocas cosas que me pongan de tan mal humor como leer el periódico y encontrarme con nuevas leyes y reformas aprobadas en España cuyo fin no es otro que seguir hundiendo al país, criando parasitos sociales y premiando cada vez a quienes no hacen nada, absolutamente nada... no puedo evitarlo, pero ver estas cosas me envenena.

Pues si, hoy es España, han ampliado las ayudas (lo que aquí llamamos 'las paguitas') a mas gente, con menos requisitos aun y con mas cuantía.... pero ami hace años que no me suben el sueldo.

Sinceramente, creo que la gente honrada y trabajadora no es plenamente consciente de lo que hay detras de todo esto y de como se sostiene este asqueroso sistema que estan montando en España.

El sueldo promedio de un trabajador será de unos 1200€ aproximadamente, el empresario que paga a ese trabajador tiene que pagar unos 2100€ por ese trabajador, prácticamente el doble de lo que cobra el trabajador, y a donde va destinado ese dinero? la diferencia entre el sueldo del trabajador y el coste para el empresario?

A mantener todo el chiringuito comunista y socialista, a financiar las paguitas que el estado le da a cada vez mas parásitos, a que 7 de cada 10 personas de las que estan a tu alrededor vivan mejor que tu porque no tienen que vender su tiempo a nadie y encima el estado les incentiva a ello pagandoles, manteniendolos y premiándolos.

Pero eso aun no es todo, de esos 1200€ que has cobrado, aun tienes que pagar impuestos, IRPF, retenciones, blablabla.... por lo que al final habrás cobrado unos 1000€, pero el estado ha ganado por tu trabajo 1400€ que repartirá a su criterio entre todos los parásitos de los que estamos rodeados... magnifico, no? Es realmente asqueroso, triste, desmotivamente, decepcionante.... es un asco lo que están haciendo con este país, somos la vergüenza de Europa por este y muchos mas motivos, pero somos un estercolero de país y cada día que pasa es mas grande...

Este país fue grande, fue un gran país, con mucho futuro, con una sociedad con valores.... yo sinceramente no lo he visto ni vivido, me lo ha contado mi abuelo, como si de un cuento se tratara... cuando en España se podía trabajar libremente y cobrar por ello y en consecuencia, vivir como te mereces y te estas ganando dia a dia. Eso ha quedado en el olvido, muy atrás, y dudo que vuelva... hoy incluso si trabajas mucho te penalizan y tienes que pagar mucho mas de impuestos, es que es realmente triste por decirlo suavemente.

Mi abuelo trabajó como el que mas, por que el quería, por que el quería trabajar, ganar dinero, vivir bien, darle una buena vida a su familia, llegó a tener 4 trabajos al mismo tiempo y ganaba mucho dinero.... sabéis cuando de acabó eso? cuando llegaron los socialistas y sindicatos.... perseguían a la gente y a las empresas para vigilar que ninguna persona trabajara mas de X horas a la semana jajajja de risa verdad? O sea, que si tu quieres trabajar y ganar mas dinero, vienen socialistas y sindicatos a decirte lo que tienes que hacer, y que por trabajar mas de la cuenta, vas a tener que pagar mucho mas en impuestos, osea penalizarte por ello... y desde ahí hasta el punto en el que estamos hoy.... como dije, la primera parte yo no la he vivido de primera mano, me la ha contado mi abuelo muuuchas veces...

Y esto no hace mas que fomentar el odio, asco.... entre la sociedad.

Yo se que no es culpa directa de la gente (digo directa, porque esa gente es quien vota a ese gobierno que les facilitará el acceso a eso, no se dan cuenta que lo único que hacen es comprarlos por un puñado de monedas, para que estén tranquilos y callados mientras arruinando todo), pero yo no soporto ver a una persona que no trabaja porque no quiere vivir mejor que yo a base de mi trabajo (lo que me roban en impuestos), y ganando dinero en negro a modo pasatiempos.... si señores, esa gente vive mucho pero que mucho mejor que yo y que la mayoría de trabajadores...

Aún asi, es superior a mi el cruzarme con esa gente y llenarme de odio y asco, porque los estoy manteniendo yo, con mi trabajo, para que mientras yo trabajo ellos se dediquen a delinquir, traficar, dormir, ver la tv.... no lo soporto, me hace volverme loco...

Enfin, este país esta en la ruina, yendo hacia una ruina aun mas profunda, siendo la vergüenza de Europa y hasta el propio país sobreviviendo a base de paguitas de Europa, pues se sigue sosteniendo (de momento) por el dinero que les inyecta el banco central europeo... hasta el propio estado vive de pagas.

Que asco por dios

 8 months ago  

Your conservative, and seemingly libertarian, values are at odds with the corrupt people in the governments of the world, like Spain. They appear to need weak and infantile people to fill their ranks and populations which is pathetic and wrong. We do need to get back to a society where people have work ethic, there’s a strong sense of accomplishment and value for work and at the same time - one where normal living doesn’t cost obscene amounts of money. It’s not a difficult thing to shift towards but there’s an obsession with fostering weak and pathetic people - particularly weak and pathetic men. It’s a shame and I hope we can put a stop to this bullshit!