I'm back on the road in the train again and I was not really the brightest in my departure. Fair to say....that happens to me a lot. I'm always good on time before leaving, when I am actually going, I tend to forget something while heading out.
The victim this time? Me for sure, as I forgot to bring my noise cancelling headphones for my trip. The result...not having the option to ignore other peoples conversations. Because that it what happens when those conversations are right next to you, you listen to each and every one of them.
The cool thing is the amount of nationalities that are in the train. A bit extra in there is added because this train also passes the airport so people are heading in and out of the country. Suitcases with stuff, conversations in German, in French and all other kinds of languages. A lot is going on for sure!
I'm always kind of puzzled on how much people tend to discuss on the matter of personal stuff in the train without any kind of shame of that other people will here this.
There is this couple of gen-z kids totally discussing their vacation plans with their friend group where the friend group doesn’t want the +1s joining in on the vacations. All of their friends are gossiped out in this discussion, even the one who has a sick parent but still she doesn’t deserve an opt in because of that.
The entitlement is scary and these guys are so loud that they are not afraid to openly discuss all of this. 'Do you reply a day later to whatsapps of them. Ow my god, I really hate people who do this'. Or what about the 'I don’t understand why these professors expect me to end my project within the given time, this is all impossible in my current schedule'
Pfff....I know I shouldnt listen to all of this and just stare outside and do something else, but this is really just imposaible to ignore.
And I get ya....I'm making a rant out of nothing and all of this is not reasonable to have an opinion about this especially since there are quiet rooms in the train here in the Netherlands. Which I thought that I was in one and it took me a while of getting more annoyed to realise that it was not their fault. I wasn’t in the silece train and I looked wrong and didn’t bring noise cancellers.
Who is there to blame except for myself. Indeed....no one else. I guess this is a rant towards myself... sigh
haha, and that's why I take the car. Peace and quiet!