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RE: Nearing 2 Years Daily Posting

Damn man, 4 years is a kickass streak, I'm strongly leaning toward going for a 3 year one, I wasn't sure if I'd make 1, then the second I figured it would be impossible but this year has actually been easier I think, so one more shouldn't be a problem.

It becomes such an ingrained habbit I think, that not writing something feels weird in a way haha

 2 months ago (edited) 

Yeah I hear you! I schedule all of my stuff and that helps. I haven’t written anything in a week because we were on vacation and that felt tough. I have to get back into gear and do some writing lol

I'm going to keep it going for longer. I don't know when I'm going to give up the daily post - maybe when I hit 100k hive power? Hard to say lol but the opportunity cost is real.

That's a pretty decent goal man. Thing is though, once you hit one milestone, there's always a slightly higher one to achieve haha

The Ecency app has been a life saver in that regard, while out of town, or even out of the country I've been able to keep up the streak, and also drafting posts too has been so handy.