Hello! I haven't been able to post in a while because I don't wanna just post the pieces as is. I like writing a little something for people to read like my experience or the things I stumbled upon while making the piece :> And, well, between actual school work and not wanting to work, I haven't been able to write stuff recently ;w;
I think Hive is a great place to grow! I knew I did :> The community is great and everyone's comments feel heartfelt ♥ I guess it's just a matter of finding the right people :>
I got into blogging because of the incentives but I stayed for the community ♥
There's no other place that I know of that offers a good editor and front-end.
Yeah! I think this platform is fairly easy to use and looks really nice too! I have only been posting on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook because both don't necessarily need a whole story attached to them. I just post it with an emoji and be done with it >u<
I feel you. I've been on the "writing with passion" group as well and generally don't see any reason to post unless it excites me, or when there's no text to complement the photos. You are brave for still using Facebook \o\
Btw, I was checking your work and think it's amazing!!
Yeah! Unless motivated, coming up with words can be difficult for me x_x Facebook and Twitter are the only social media platforms I'm on right now... which is quite weird for people my age as I'm often told by my socially gifted friend >u< Putting up pictures/pieces of myself for people to criticize scares me more than putting up art does.
Also, thank you so much! n_n
What do you mean socially gifted friend? I think everyone is just socially awkward, hah! Look at us, humans, we get to each other and voice some weird noises in form of word hopping that the receiving end doesn't kill us in return. Often times it results in friendships.
Well, she's really good at making conversations :> She's stylish and also very nice so I see why people gravitate towards her. I find it hard to come up with words so I don't do very well with certain types of people but I don't mind because my stuttering and awkwardness led me to certain kinds of people too!
One thing I learned is that you don't have to force relationships :> Voicing weird noises in form of word is all you need, really >u<
I like you.