Like you said, I understand vaccine hesitancy with certain conditions, my allergen is used in many medicines and it's something I have always had to be careful with and can cause an immediate life threatening situation. There needs to be more information but people that are completely against it cherry pick their information and the reasons for not getting it like the popular blood cloth issue standpoint...well...birth control pill causes higher chances, so does alcohol and many other things people take that stuff anyway , actually catching covid itself is even higher risk than getting that issue than from the vaccine's all about weighing options here.
Seems to me many refuse to take it based on a few adverse reactions that are way more prominent with catching the virus than from the shot. Sounds kinda weird to me. And yes herd immunity is meant to protect those who may not be able to get the shot for legitimate health reasons.
At the end of the day, I think most healthy people are probably safer with the vaccine than catching the covid especially a variant. Not a medical opinion but based on what I read about the risks and studies... not going by the news or other false information circulating. 1 in 10 having altered life conditions post acute covid, that's bad odds to be gambling with, it's not as black and white as people against like to put it.