 4 years ago (edited) 

Probably...Awesome people can manage great things!

FYI Australia and Canada are playing women's water polo at the Olympics right now. I'm watching. Prepare for defeat y'all! 🇨🇦🇦🇺

Canada isn't good at summering. I never watch the summer olympics, only winter. We will EMA AUZ at the winter games...better believe it!

 4 years ago  

Lol...And Aus will deserve the winter EMAing they receive indeed!

I like the winter Olympics more than the summer in truth but there's a couple sports I like to watch.

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All tied up but the Canadian hotties don't look as good as the Aussie hotties...Let's see how it goes.

I think we saw a Canadian olympic and paraolympic team training in one of our recent trips to the rockies a few weeks back. I don't know what sport it was tho. They were rolling on some weird cart/big skateboard looking things. They looked like pros on a mission tho and had a uniform. I would only watch to find out what sport that is.

Maybe Cannucks will surprise us both and win! Better watchout!

 4 years ago  

Hmm, I wonder what sport that was? Sounds a bit like a luge.

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I just googled images, wasn't it, they were standing...well the ones with all their legs anyway.

I guess I was wrong and Canada will get burried then

 4 years ago  

Apparently the US is the ultimate threat...We can battle it out for the minor placings, first and second of the losers. 🙄

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