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RE: Who built America?

in Rant, Complain, Talk7 months ago

I like this very thought provoking post.

We know who the original colonists were, Europenas from England, and later other countries in Europe, but I agree the true strength of America is said best by the sign on the Statue of Liberty:

Give me your tiered, your hungry and your souls yearning to be free.

America has always stood as a Outpost of freedom in the world, where anyone could go to enjoy freedons and grow into the best version of themselves, enriching themselves and the country which was their new home.

Immigrants embraced their new name, Americans and the language and culture because while they were proud of their parents and ancestors they were also proud to be Americans...

...and whatever they were before Brits, French, Germans, Poles or Italians, once they crossed the Atlantic ocean and made it to their new home, they were now Americans.


Well PutVery well stated @lalai or as Americans say

I am late to the party for sure, 3rd of 3, usually I am first. Good Job.

Better late then never. Your 3rd but not last.

I agree with lalai better late then never.

I am glad you like the post.
I am glad it was thought provoking, that was my intention.
I agree that America is an Outpost or Beacon of Hope to the world. I think for years people yearned to come here to be free.

Thank you, I like the visual language you use, may I use it in a revision one day?

Yes, that would be flattering for you to use my words, and give them more life.