What a coincidence that you emphasize that you ask how are you emotionally; you know, I didn't realize something, I thought that people assumed that when I asked how are you? It was because I was referring to their state of mind.
Recently I had some differences with a person who told me to stop worrying because she had something physically wrong, and I told her that almost never, not to say never, I ask someone about their physical health, I ask them how they feel mentally and emotionally, at that moment I understood that people assume that because my profession is related to health, the only thing I do is to worry about that in people, and it is not so, I just want to say hello and know how they feel animically.
The worst thing is that this person is going through a bad emotional moment and I want to be able to help her, but she won't let me 😓 and every time I talk to her she tells me "I'm fine! When I know it's a lie.
By the way she is casually older than me. I also work with a lot of people older than me and I know what you mean Mac.
Greetings my friend!