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RE: Healing Healing Self Healing

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

I thought the same thing too, self-healing through traveling was quite an American/European thing. Eastern culture is catching up to it just in a much slower rate and yeah, maybe this newer generation needed that short healing just like how everything is short to them? short content, short words, short songs and melodies haha.

What makes no sense to me is people posting to say that they are healing.. If you want to get over something, it seems strange that you would post about it on social media.

That's the point! I don't get it when they are healing but posting every seconds of it online. It's quite a narcissism than healing and more about Me Me Me culture.

Happy to see you checking out my post! I started getting into this type of post again because the wifi reception is pretty bad where I am staying, so I have more time to think than being online :D