So the first snow of the season is here...and it's quite a lot. But I'm not taken by surprise, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute has warned about this for days already. It's usually hard to know exactly where it will hit and whether the precipitation will be snow or rain because the temperature is now 0 degrees Celsius. It's definitely snow and will continue to be so if the temperature doesn't rise. But since it's not so cold (for snow) this also means that the snow is wet and heavy.
Last night it was raining and I kind of thought it was still raining when I woke up and still heard the clatter on the roof. But when I pulled up the roller blind it was all white outside (sorry don't have a picture of that moment). I like snow, more or less, but this is too early. Not even November yet...
I also realized that I wouldn't be able to go anywhere today. The car doesn't have winter tires yet and it wouldn't be wise to drive today even if it had. The thing is though that I need to drive the car to my mom's by tomorrow. We will then switch cars because the one I'm currently driving has a service scheduled for Wednesday morning, and then they will also change the tires. (As some of you might know I'm currently borrowing one of mom's cars since she very conveniently has two). My mom actually offered to come to me last night to switch cars but I said that I think it'll be fine. And I still think it'll be ok tomorrow, with some luck...(It's a 40-kilometer drive).
Because it's not only the tires, no one will come here today to plow the snow. My mom has an agreement with one of the neighbors in the village but he called her this morning to let her know that he was away on a job but would ask someone to come here tomorrow. The property I'm on is quite big, I would estimate it's about 500 meters to the public road. Not really doable with a snow shovel, haha. So yes, today I'm snowed in...
But I went out to shovel a bit, closest to the house. By now it has snowed a lot more.
I also got an idea to make a snowman. I don't know where that came from. I don't think I have made one since I was a child. It was rather fun, not the perfect snow for a snowman but it kind of worked.
While I was at it I also made a small snow lantern. Something I really liked as a child. I built it on a big rock, close to the snowman.
The picture below I took just now, a few hours later. The snowman all covered in snow, haha. And I think he lost his nose...I lit a candle inside the snow lantern but it's not really visible, not dark outside yet. I'll be soon though, at 5 pm.
I'm ending this post with a couple of more pictures of the snowy landscape. It is even more snow now, but not crazy much. I would say around 10 centimeters, maybe a bit more. But it's still snowing, a lot, and will continue to do so until tomorrow morning. Do you think I'll make it tomorrow? 🙂
Btw, I'm not really worried. I have food and I had no plans to go anywhere today anyway. But until someone comes here with a plow truck, I'll be stuck here.
UPDATE: I went out just before nightfall to inspect the road, I heard trees cracking today and was hoping it wasn't close to our road. But well, I now have a fallen tree blocking the road. So I'm not only stuck here, but this also means the road is blocked for the plow truck...To be continued...

Thanks for reading 🌸
Wishing you a lovely day 💚
This year I think that we will be getting snow early and likely will get a lot of snow. It’s good and bad lol. Glad you got some good snowfall but hopefully you can get your winter tires put on soon!
All good now. The snow is gone and winter tires are on 🙂
Beautiful. Winter is officially here, at least where you live !LOLZ
I hope some snow will fall by December in central Europe too.
Have a nice and warm and cozy weekend.
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 55/75) Liquid rewards.
Thank you. I hope you'll get some snow where you live as well 🙂
(This first snow will soon melt away).
Wow! I wish someday I'll also live at that kind of place where falling snow every where. I'm now in the most hottest city of pakistan "Jacobabad "
Oh wow, hottest city in Pakistan. Sounds hot indeed 🙂
I'll soon escape the Swedish Winter. I'm leaving for Thailand in a month.
När jag såg bilden tänkte jag det måste vara Sverige! Innan jag så att det va du kära vän! Jag gillar vintern, jag är född i februari. Här nere i småland har de sagt att snön kommer imorgon!
Ja det verkar som att mest snö har kommit i Värmland idag, där jag bor. Jag är inget fan av vintern riktigt, kanske för att jag är född i juni...har inte tänkt på det förut! Hoppas att det snöar hos dig imorgon 🙂
I love it when I see people form different kind of things from snow
It is beautiful
Thank you for this kind comment. It was fun 🙂
I am green with envy, I haven't seen snow in ages. The photos are beautiful!
Thank you so much 🌸
Here in New England back in 2011 we had a heavy snow storm. That’s really early for us. Lots of trees down and power outages.
I LOVE your snowman!
Nature is powerful. Today it's already melting, the snowman has lost his head...