
There are a lot of things, but not many care.

What a sad truth

Just Google How to stop global warming, see how many boxes you ✅

I admire countries that are investing in producing green energy, incentivizing citizens to walk and use bikes, not to mention electric cars, fueled by green energy and so on. However, if others don't contribute, we won't get anywhere.

Would check it out

These things are what has to be done as a country, not individually

Both actually. Individuals have a role to play in this as well, a huge one.

Yeah, that's right

 2 years ago  

Electric cars are the most abysmal failure for “green” energy. There are far better ways to achieve it and this is most definitely not one of the ways. Ignoring the fact that they are using child slave labor to mine the materials for their batteries, which they’ve recently been caught red handed doing despite all kinds of virtual signaling companies saying they aren’t, the lithium mining and processes to create the batteries are magnitudes more toxic for the environment than removing petroleum and using it as a fuel, with proper efficiency taken into consideration.

Then don’t forget the fact that they are powered largely by coal plants which are atrocious at the amount of toxic waste they produce in many steps of the process.

If they are powered by “green” energy such as wind or solar there’s not enough of it to charge a fleet of the cars so they will never get charged to the capacity they need to be at to be used.

Wind turbines cannot be recycled so when they wear out and break, which they do about every 7 years or so last I looked, they have to dig massive pits to bury the waste material. They also use hundreds of gallons of oil to lubricate them and keep the turbine cool which has to be refreshed every many months, I don’t remember the schedule.

My point being is that this absolute green washing of electric vehicles is such a scam and meant as a way to force people into inefficient means of transportation. Combustion engines far out perform the electric vehicles on even the metrics that are used to measure “carbon footprint” of the bloody things! I think we are being led in the completely wrong direction. I want more efficient vehicles for sure! I just don’t want to be pushed in a direction that is downright foolish and will lead to worse conditions instead of better. We need to invest more into using natural gas as a fuel because it’s even more efficient than gasoline is and is unbelievably cheap to produce and is completely renewable. You can farm waste dumps for natural gas and there are millions of square feet of them throughout the world sitting there not being taken advantage of!

I can go on longer but I just think my point is the governments of the world are intentionally leading us in the wrong direction. We are far smarter than this and can create incredible solutions but they are trying to shut them down for the ones they want to use to control us far more.