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RE: an IDEA for Community Governance - Effective yet Decentralised

Hi -- Respect for Everything and Everyone; this is the point my friend, we just need to understand that we are born to help each other and not to control each other, i will write a nice editorial on what it means to be anarchist in 2023... thank you for reading my comments.


In essence, live life like a Buddhist. Help others and happiness comes to you. Ok, that is quite a short-cut summary of what Buddhism is about, but captures its essence for what I know from this life philosophy.

Can you believe it? I have been in heavy discussions over the word 'Respect'. Those who believe it is not possible: the word 'Respect' has different meanings for different people. Although this may be true, whenever we start defining what respect is, then we end up with big-ass law books again 😂

Drop me a link when you publish your write-up. Likely I'll see it anyway, but who knows, I may overlook your post.