Nowadays, no one can be isolated from world geopolitics; the decisions of one country affect the inhabitants of others thousands of kilometers away. Moreover, the main characteristic of this century is the immediacy of the news and the amount of information and images that we can see live and direct.
But the greatest characteristic of the new world political reality is that no one now follows dogmas or lines, everyone expresses what he or she thinks. You can sympathize with a politician, with a leader, but at a certain moment when he or she behaves like a talented idiot, you must move away from that behavior.
Three years ago I wrote several articles, publications about the courage and the great sense of belonging that the Ukrainians showed for their country, from the very moment they suffered the aggression. It was inspiring to see thousands of people leaving the country to take their wives, children and parents to safety and then returning to go to the battle front. Fighting for one's country was the most heroic thing to do.
Undoubtedly, to lead a country you need to be talented and you need to be much more talented if the country is invaded. Ukraine under Zelensky's leadership has managed to stop the advance of the once mighty Red Army. Now wars are not
only won with troops and weapons but require allies and a lot of money. A great phrase says that success in life is measured by the obstacles you overcome.
In the oval office, zelnensky took the bait of provocation, he forgot that his main objective was to get the agreement signed that would guarantee him arms, money and an ally and put an end to a bloody war, if you fight with an idiot you run the risk of falling to his level. I think on this occasion he became a talented idiot.
En la actualidad nadie puede estar aislado de la geopolítica mundial, las decisiones de un país afectan a los habitantes de otros a miles de kilómetros de distancia. Además la principal característica de este siglo es la inmediatez de la noticia y la cantidad de información e imágenes que podemos ver en vivo y directo.
Pero la mayor característica de la nueva realidad política mundial es que nadie ahora sigue dogmas ni líneas, cada quien expresa lo que piensa. Se puede simpatizar con un político, con un líder pero en determinado momento cuando se comporte como un idiota con talento se debe uno apartar de esa conducta.
Hace tres años escribí varios artículos, publicaciones sobre la valentía y el gran sentido de pertenencia que manifestaban los ucranianos para con su país, desde el mismo momento que sufrieron la agresión. Era inspirador ver a miles de personas salir del país para poner en resguardo a sus esposas, hijos y padres para luego regresar para ir al frente de batalla. La lucha por la patria era lo más heroico que se puede hacer.
Indudablemente que para dirigir a un país se requiere ser talentoso y se debe ser mucho más talentoso sí el país está invadido. Ucrania bajo la conducción de Zelensky ha logrado detener el avance del otrora poderoso ejército rojo. Ahora bien las guerras no solamente se ganan con tropas y armas sino que se requieren aliados y mucho dinero. Una gran frase dice que el éxito en la vida se mide por los obstáculos que superas.
En la oficina oval, zelnensky mordió el anzuelo de la provocación, se olvidó que su objetivo principal era conseguir firmar el acuerdo que le garantizará armas, dinero y un aliado además de poner fin a una cruenta guerra, si peleas con un idiota corres el riesgo de caer a su nivel. Creo que en esta ocasión el se convirtió en un idiota talentoso.
These things are certainly complicated situations. Sadly you have to also understand that a lot of this is theatre. There is supposed to be dramatic things like this to keep up appearances. I do appreciate that we are unraveling this foolish conflict one step at a time!
Thanks for addressing such a difficult topic. Today the Ukrainian currency is worthless and agricultural lands in Ukraine are worth 1/50 of those in Italy. Zelensky is now the president of a state that is in ruins, in front of a negotiation he counts for very little. If I were to give money to a wretch and he is not even grateful I would immediately understand that I threw that money away
Thank you for your opinion, sometimes I feel that hive is full of very superficial and tribal publications, I am afraid to write about what is happening in the world.
Don't be afraid to write about what's happening in the world. I Start following you
I respectfully disagree with your conclusion. No amount of groveling would have gained Zelensky the much-needed aid. He was ambushed. It was always the intention of Trump and Vance to humiliate him and send him away empty-handed.
They were a tag team, orchestrated and calculated.
Zelensky didn't get the aid he needed, but he did leave with dignity. What he left behind was a White House that had disgraced itself in the face of the world. That tag team in the White House put the world on alert as they may not have been before yesterday.
Thank you for reading my publication, Hive is wonderful because we can express ourselves freely and respectfully. The events are ongoing.