Life is unpredictable...❤️

in Rant, Complain, Talk5 months ago (edited)
**Welcome to my blog...✍️**
NAMASTE (Hello) ❤🙏❤ to all of the stunning personalities of the Hive community I am fine and healthy and hope that you also stay fine, happy and healthy with your family

A very well good evening all of you,my dear friends and I can say that family so it's been so long to have conversation with all of you so today I am going to share you over the things
Like in India previously told by our parents that to study till 10th after then you will get relaxed when we reach in 11th or 12th then again the same thing is repeated by parents that do some studies after then everything will be fine same repeated when took admission in college and after then the same thing repeat it after completing the college that as soon as you get job you will be relaxed in my case it is not having like that it seems to me like after getting the job I becam more busy in the things somewhere it is good that involving yourself in the things which will make your future bright so for that prospective it is fine.

So let me share how I spend my whole day today morning I wake up at 7:00 o clock and that seems like I wake up early early in the morning because you're really I used to wake up at 8:30 or 9 o'clock and in night I go to bed at a blocks 1:30 so I am trying to manage this time so that I can go to gym previously I used to go there at a prox 8:30 in the evening after coming from the office but now I am trying to went to gym in the morning so that the evening time I get for my studies.
In morning we get dosa in our PC as you can see in the pictures that specially I clicked to share with all of you and to send in my family group we created one family group where we used to post whatever we eat in the whole day make not only me my brother also they also used to share whatever they eat. If I talk about the taste then it is fine not that much good not that much bad I am talking about help voice then it is good because they did not put that much oil in sambar do not make it that much spicy that is fine for your help and your body and for everything

And today's afternoon there is a medical happen in our busy because usually they used to provide rice with sambar and and example you cannot be able to recognise that is made of of which vegetables but today they provided such a nice curry with the rice which contain soyabean and chana which is known as kabuli chana in India I don't know the another name for this if you know please mention it in comment section
This is a random picture click by of my friend Sridhar who is tested in our company and I am facing a lot of issue with my hairs after coming to Bangalore because my earphone is increased like hell like whenever I used to come my hairs I will find at least 22:30 years on the bed and if I directly go for bath then while applying the shampoo or so I look at my hand I got so much the best and tense also so that I found a good way is that whenever I used to apply shampoo and shop in my hairs I use very don't look at my hands goes my eye and after completely watching my hairs I will open my eyes so that thing can save myself from that panic and tension

Here I make one good friend home you can see in the image this cat was bring by our PG owner but he did not take care of this cat so many peoples in the PG used to give her some food like phones with the order some kabab and biryani from the shop sometimes people use to give that get some eggs because boys usually used to boil eggs daily the PC I also used to boil 3x for me everyday so one morning when I wake up and peel all the eggs which is boiled by me I found this little sit in the front of our gate so I took one egg and give it to her and after then whenever she saw me anywhere she used to make sound like meow meow and that time she looks more cute we can say that so whenever I bring some chicken for me or Biryani for me I used to offer her a little piece and a small quantity of rice from that because if I give her more than that then my stomach will be empty so that reason I give her and till date only but first stomach is definitely full because not only peoples in the use to give her food regularly there is a habit which I noticed in this cat is that she never took food from the dustbin like people generally used to throw the bones and all whatever they eat in the dustbin and she never eat from the dustbin I don't know what's the reason but that I noticed

In this picture with you look at my face closely then you will realise that there is a smile on my face and the reason of that smile is only gym because I was going to the gym after education of 7 to 8 months and I love gym and I not a gym freek person news that I will not follow anytime I will eat whatever I want to eat I love sweets very much so I used to eat sweets also but I like to do a little bit exercise for the regular fitness of my body because after going to gym I realise that you confidence is increased automatically because in few days you start looking different from the normal people who are not going even after not taking you look different in a good manner


This is the first day picture and I didn't think that I lose that much weight here because usually what happens when ever I go to a new place I lose weight very fastly but in the case of Bangalore my gate is not that was lost I measured it it is 74 kg when I was in Gwalior it is 75 so I didn't lose that much weight after coming here but my stomach is increased because of rice because every time I get rise only in the whole day you will get only two chapati in PG and that is not happen only in my PC anywhere if you go and us to the honor that what they provided in food then they will early mentions it that we will provide only two chapati in a day at the time of evening.
Remaining all is good hope that you all are also doing well in your life I will meet with you all guys in another blog till then take care be happy with your family


✒️ModelVivo Z1 Pro
✒️Pixels32 Mp
✒️StateMadhya pradesh

@indiaunited @spydo @sanjeevm @visionaer3003 @bhattg

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> Your Comments and Suggestions are valuable 
 5 months ago  

Getting some physical exercise is so important on a lot of levels. I’m glad that you are able to spend more time at the gym lately!