It no news that life is becoming unlivable in Nigeria it's ur girl @onize27
I most say those before where the wealthiest because ay my age my elder brother really had nothing to worry about things where good, Growing up at my age my elder one's where not as serious as I am right now there where still calling home for money and if the happen to be home the worries where not more than figureing out the next feild to play ball.
And here I am I can't remember the last time i spent money on having fun not because I don't want to have fun but because what I make in the month it take the grace of GOD to carry me through to the next month,it been hard and me and the entire youth of Nigeria are going through it, worst of it,as a youth it now forbidden to even progress because tell me why the so called Niger police are oppressing well to do Nigerians youth, I can't be a youth and own a car anymore because the country is even to heard for them to even be able to afford a car so if I do I have to be doing something illegal to be able to avoid it, it frustrating.
And to think that no matter now much we cry no body in power is speaking up for us and those in power that do are black listed.
I work harder than my parents ever did make more than they did but somehow can afford one third of what they could afford years back, pardon me to say when Nigeria was a country with what I make at the end of a month I should be able to own my own house by now but all well,right from when I was way younger older ones keep say E GO BETTER well I can boldly say IT WAS BETTER THAN
We where promised hope his campaign slogan clearly said renewed hope but between me and a thousand other youth that is a bloody lie because the little hope we had for the betterment of this country, the so called giants of Africa has be taken forcefully.
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