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RE: Finding The one: Is It really By divine Orchestration Or A matter of the heart?

I believe God allows us to choose our spouses, he gave us freedom to choose. "He who finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains favor from the lord" this bible verse didn't say "he whom God gives a wife".

In Gen 3:12, when God asked Adam if he ate from the tree he's not supposed to eat, he said "The woman whom YOU GAVE me, she gave me the fruit from the tree and I ate it."
This was the first time God "gave" a spouse and as the nature of man (humans), he turned the blame.
Since then, the bible records only few people that God has SHOWN their spouses and God didn't force a spouse on them while they sat in their comfort zones, take Isaac for example. Our duty is to find the one ordained for us and pray for confirmation. He won't give us a task that is too much for our capacity and he won't "Give" us a spouse like he did with Adam so we don't blame him when something happens. If we find by ourselves (dating and courtship), we'll blame no one.

Yes, there are people who God shows their spouses I believe we're to find while God directs and blesses.
Also, If you haven't mastered God's leading before, hearing Him for marriage may be disastrous.
Because while God can lead, there are many other forces that can lead as well (This may be the reason for wrong marriages).


I'm sorry it's long, i hope I didn't confuse you more.
This is my belief though, different strokes for different folks 😌.

Nahhh, I loved reading every bit of it. Thank you for your comment.

I'm glad you love it.😊

Thank you o much for such a detailed breakdown, you have no idea how grateful I am.

Our duty is to find the one ordained for us and pray for confirmation

But then again, what if we pray for confirmation but get no answers, this means the person isn't the one right? I'm asking from experience really. I hope you understand.

But then again, what if we pray for confirmation but get no answers, this means the person isn't the one right?

It May mean you should wait but when we're met with too much "silence" it may mean we should go back to the last thing he told us. Sometimes he has given us an instruction to carry out before that we haven't.
So sometimes when such happens, we need to ask ourselves "what has God told us to do that we haven't?"

Hope this helps 😊

It definitely helps. Thank youuuu!
I'm following you ASAP, I hope you can do same😁@orah14

I'm so happy 😁
Thank you very much 🥰
And I've been following you since I joined hive 🥰🥰

Oh my, I didn't know that. Good thing I followed asap😁

Thank you very much 😁

You're very welcome😁

 3 years ago  

Right on point.