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RE: Smallest of things

Well, in my opinion I think it is a very appropriate and healthy attitude. For our own peace of mind of course. But on the other hand, I also think that by acting like this we are also denying ourselves the possibility of learning and understanding a heap of new stuff. Something that we didn't know before nor will we know unless we get involved in exploring it by putting ourselves in the shoes of others. Simply giving us the chance to observe things from different angles and perspectives than usual.

It's likely just a simple lack of curiosity. Or outright, a total indifference to inquire why others may think, act and behave as they usually do. Here it is not a question of convincing anyone of our point of view or of seeking recognition or acceptance in what one thinks. Because if one only decides to move away from sterile lands to sow our seeds, these will never have the opportunity to germinate, grow and flourish in what at first glance seems to be undeservedly inhospitable. Thus losing the possibility of fertilizing them and eventually make them fertile and fruitful with our help.

But the key here is, that if one is not willing and one refuses to contemplate the world as others do and won't inquire why they see it as they see it. This will only make it more difficult for us to understand the world as it is and why it works the way it works most of the time.

And as a result, it is very likely that we end up feeling even more alone and more immersed in our own heads and our own vision of the world without even being able to contemplate the infinite variety and diversity of scenarios that exist in it and those other scenarios which potentially could exist with just our active intervention as daredevil sowers.

In conclusion, according to my point of view, it is only a matter of throwing our seeds in every place through which we pass. It doesn't matter how arid, sterile and infertile it seems to us. As long as we have passed through there, I think that we should also throw our seeds there.

Who knows, maybe and on our way back through that arid, sterile and infertile land one more time. We suddenly observe how some of our thrown seeds there which as climbing plants have managed to reach the top of the tallest and stubborn trees that previously grew there without knowing why nor for what. We simply have contributed to provide more oxygen to the life of both species and and without suspecting it we have improved the sight of both from these new heights. ¡Consciousness!

 3 years ago  

I agree with all you say and am on board...As long as there's no drama and the associated behaviour that usually comes with it. I've got nothing against discourse, discussion and learning new things. Add in the drama and I'm out.