The 6-Hour Wait


Yesterday, I started the day early by waking up at exactly 3:30 AM to catch up with the earliest mass. I had laboratory tests scheduled for 6:00 AM, so the 5:00 AM mass was totally my best option. My plan went smoothly before the sun rose, however, things went astray when we arrived at the extraction area in the hospital. After fasting for more than 10 hours, I was more than ready for my blood to be extracted, but to my aghast, the nurse said that my fasting was long overdued. At first, I didn't want to believe him because the last time I got my extraction with fasting it was 10-12 hours straight of no eating and drinking, but today he said that my fasting hours should be just only 6-8 hours.

I was really disappointed to the point I wanted to cry. My stomach had been grumbling since the moment I woke up so when I heard I needed to eat immediately and fast for another 6 hours again—the disappointment I felt made my hunger suddenly vanish, and as minutes passed it turned into anger. I mean I've already done it before so why do the fasting hours suddenly changed? It really frustrates me when things that I've planned thoroughly won't go my way. I woke up early because I hoped I could relax and sleep again after I was done with my laboratory tests—but ahhhhh with my overdued fasting, I had no choice but to wait and fast again for six hours.


The six hours passed slowly—it seemed taunting me. To kill the boredom and time we strolled in various malls, and when we were tired, we decided to go back to the hospital and wait there. As the sun went high, my sleepiness was also rising. The effect of waking up early was gradually taking over me. I tried to sleep while sitting, but to no avail I only ended up waking up seconds before I went out of balance so I just decided to stay awake until my fasting was done. Thankfully, after 1:00 PM all of my laboratory tests were done and I'm finally ready to go home. I was exhausted and sleepy so I couldn't really contain my excitement to go home, but my, my, my—from the annoying freshman to driver with strong perfumes—misfortunes seemed to love me so it followed me until I went home.

Up until now, the strong perfume scent was still stuck in my nose ughhh that sickly sweet scent. That weird scent somehow brought memories back to me—but those weren't good ones, and I prefer not to recall them, but..sigh, what a day...


All the pictures that were used were taken by yours truly, ridgette and were edited in Canva.

 13 hours ago  

Fasting is a difficult thing especially when you are only expecting a few hours and they make it longer hopefully you don’t have to do that again!