Wombat Girl, Go Home - And Don't Come Back

in Rant, Complain, Talk10 days ago

Sometimes it's hard to be an influencer. One stupid decision and you're recieving death threats and being chased out of the country, and all for just picking up a baby wombat.

My friend carved a wombat.

This is exactly what Sam Jones did, resulting in having to pretty much leave the country. She grabbed a joey from it's mother on the side of the road, giggling as she ran away from the mother dangling the poor thing from it's underarms. Her excuse was that she did it out of concern for the animals safety, you know, being on the side of the road she put it back on.

She's gleeful as she does it, and her mate films (why he wasn't under attack, I don't know - why didn't he stop her, being Australian and knowing it was illegal to interfere with wildlife like that?). The joey is hissing and the mother's chasing her. The joey's dangling dangerously out of her hands. It's cruel and clearly just done for clicks. And boy is Australia furious.

Even the Prime Minister sarcastically suggested she try taking a baby crocodile from it's mother instead. Good one.

I think what really got my goat (or my baby wombat) was the discovery she was a hunting influencer, making me feel far less sympathy for her. Sure, rescue baby wombats and next week kill a giraffe. I also felt uncomfortable with her plea that she didn't do it for the likes. Hmm, then why post it?

Whilst it might seem hypocritical that there has been such a backlash when no one slows for wildlife (roadkill in places like Tassie, for instance, is apalling), is happy for kangaroo culls, or for, as she said 'killing of wombats under certain conditions'. I totally get it's a fucked up situation. We've landed here because our agricultural practices and land development has upset the natural balance. Sometimes the government allows a cull when their numbers get out of control, or disease takes hold, or if there's no food to support the population. It's a complex situation and it's not always right - and often, people fight pretty hard for alternative solutions. There's a lot of animal cruelty going on that certainly should be addressed.

But that's a whole other issue that does not excuse what idiocy you took part in, love.

I mean, the video says it all.

Even if we concede there may appear to be inconsistencies (and cruelties) in some of our wildlife policies, but we still, collectively, as Australians, are not going to forgive you. Take some responsibility for what you did, instead of deflecting by criticising the country you were visiting and deflecting attention from your shitty behaviour. Besides, your excuses hold no clout when apparently you also filmed yourself picking up a baby echidna. Our wildlife is not here for yours, or anyone else's entertainment.

If we say that's okay, what else is okay?

I'm glad you've been chased out of the country, and look forward to you posting videos of stealing baby grizzly bears from their mothers out of concern for their safety.

With Love,


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There are some stupid c***s in this world. I’d lock them all up and throw away the key. I’m bloody serious!

 9 days ago  

Mate, that's such an Aussie thing to say: stupid cunt.

Being British I have to say such words in a lowered tone, always check for nearby eavesdroppers before saying it lol!!

Aussies just speak!! I envy that!!

Just saw that story this morning! It's disgusting what so called influencers will do for a photo op. This lady has earned the disgust and ire of everyone for her stupid stunt. Then to bash the country she's visiting for their own wildlife policies? Idiocy...

 9 days ago  

Yeah, our wildlife policies need bashing but she's hardly one to talk!

Bueno quizás violo una ley , pero no veo lo extraordinario para conseguir me gustas, lo cierto es que hay muchos políticos en muchos países que te arrebatan te quitan el futuro, los sueños y hasta la vida y no pasa nada, lo vivo en carne propia en Venezuela.