Aye I get ya, somehow didn't get the bell for this one until now... Must be the matrix buggin out again.
We're lucky that we have a few good friends we can dump the lad on for an hour or 2 here. Long enough to get home, knock the dust off the proverbial romance and have a cup of coffee.
Sometimes there aint anything better than a deep connection, It makes it easier to prevent any 'accidents' around the house. Falling anvils, power tool related accidents. 'Sorry officer, I asked her to hold the other end of the chainsaw while I started'
Those sort of things.
Good to have you here man, always a pleasure!
Raises his CVS Pharmacy Mug
All good man! Haven’t had a hell of a lot of time to be on chain myself lately, wife is recovering from pneumonia so I’m doing double duty to make sure she’s doing okay.
We had a nice event back last fall where we were able to drop the little man off at a school he was going to for a few hours. That’s the first bit of help we’ve had in too long and the last since. Hoping when we move we can get to a place where we will have good people around to watch him for an hour or two.
Yeah those accidents tend to happen when there’s a murderous fire in someone’s eye towards their partner. We know some people that have that type of shit, albeit not literally murder, and are thankful we don’t sweat the small bullshit that we see them do lol.