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RE: Bad Girl

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

You're still fuckin awesome, it's good to see that hasn't changed.
Don't worry too much, most people can't practice what they preach, apparently rubs against the grain.

Sometimes just have to let the runners run, and occasionally help them outta the bear traps along the way.


Awwwwww....thank you @rubido!

I think a lot of people lack the self-awareness to see. It's something that takes practice and work.

Sometimes just have to let the runners run, and occasionally help them outta the bear traps along the way.

I tend to just give them space. Distance is a good thing in my experience. If they decide to change course, then that offers an opportunity to reconnect. For the bear traps, they have to actually want to get out of them and also do the work required...if so, I'm happy to assist where I can.

Thanks for popping in and reading. I always enjoy your way of expressing yourself. It gives me a smile every time.