This morning started with the continuous poking from the left side of the bed, but the lack of sleep and tiredness of yesterday made it ten times harder to open up the eyelids to glare at another set of glaring pair of eyes. Even the desperate protest of five more minutes didn't soften the annoying force behind the walk-up call and in the end I ended up getting stuck in between the human hunting dream and the confused face of a sleepy head donkey.
It took ten more minutes to turn into a functional human being from the half dead walking zombie, the unexpected heat from the borderline boiling water on the face did manage to do the trick. So with a semi-hurried pace, three of us left the house for an hour long travel to JU.
Even though the body managed to regain some of its strength for the upcoming ride, the eyelids were bagging for a much desperate sleep which I was hoping to achieve on the semi-long travel, but unfortunately, sleeping in any kind of public transportation is something that never fall into my ever so well planned traps and without any mercy I am always forced to stay awake.
The starting of the hangout made me realized how much my mind wanted to go away from this bland, concreted, clustered crowded city, how desperately it wanted to take in the fresh air, green leaves, wandering butterflies, a field full of wild flowers and my lips just couldn't help but whisper, I really needed to see this.
Whenever trips like this happens, the mind soon push those into the clouded blurriness. In the end, I could barely able to remember a handful of moments, which mostly ignite the annoyance. This stupid mind ended up losing most of the important and remember able memory that I will never be comfortable with. But today, one specific unexpected incident turned the whole trip into one of the most treasurable memories on my list.
We were on the way to try this amazing pasta described at length by Sam when suddenly the trip took an unexpected detour and we ended up visiting this eight hundred years old royal house/temple. The first thing that caught the eyes was the front entrance of the temple, a token of the frozen time. The details of traditional architecture, the lost art of the people we are rooted from, a display of the past that I so desperately wanted to visit.
That experience should be stacked up for the time where tiredness of a long traveling day is not clouding the gate of words flow and maybe that is the reason why I would rather save it up for that special writing moment where the night sky gets foggy and cold, the room becomes even more silent, the company becomes only me and myself.
Ouuffff! Look at you describing me as cold-hearted on the first paragraph of your blog, I feel honoured :v
Of course you do -_-
I get the worst experience in the morning.
I was just shutting down the horrible meaningless dream of mine and was about to wake up.
The first thing I saw in the morning was, You two heartless humans were staring at me like I was some dead body and about to chop up.
XDDDD Well that was the funniest and satisfying way to wake up in the morning XDD You should've seen the reaction on your face :v
That feeling when you slept late the previous night and still have to wake up early... terrible 😅
Yes mann.. It felt like death :3
Some one told me that it's all about mindset.