What to Write On When There's Nothing to Write On?

To those who are regular viewers of my blog, they already know that all my posts are spread across these 5 communities and tags.. #ttt in the music community, #silvergoldstackers in the same community, #anime and #manga in the anime realm, #fiction stories in the inkwell and #moviereviews in CineTv. Sometimes I also get a book review on hive bookclub when I manage to finish a novel.

Yet with such a small circle of topics, one can imagine that it's easy to have days where you don't have anything to write about.That's it, the great @seki1 who's on the verge of getting reputation 70 posts tags and destination.

Days like this...


Yet how many coin reviews can I post a week without it being viewed as spamming low words posts (cause if we're being honest, there's a limit to how much you can talk about a single coin on a post without it looking like you're rambling).Apart from writing a story, the rest of my posts involve me consuming contents and writing my views on it, with the easiest being #ttt and the hardest being between #anime and #bookreviews. Yet #ttt is just once a week in Tuesday so I may next easiest would be the silver gold stackers community.

So today I had hit a wall, actually the wall was hit on Friday last week, but a Dbuzz on Saturday and Sunday helped me prolong the acceptance of the sad fact...


It's during times like this that I envy those who can write simple blogs about their days, how it's going, what had happened, what may happen, what they're hoping to happen and still get reasonable amounts from it.
Those loved by curation, those who make it look easy...

I want it to be easy for ME!!


Sadly I'm not really comfortable in writing about my day or personal thoughts on here. Not that I'm vulnerable or care about what people think, just that I think it'll look so cringe to me and I may cry at being embarrassed at myself 😭.

Also simply because my life isn't really that interesting. At least not interesting enough for a daily blog series.
I'm just a lad tormented by his choices of study, and trying his hardest to get his shit together mentally, emotionally and financially... Also trying to get these major fits of drowsiness under control...

So we go back to the question I've been wanting to ask for a while now, now that you know a bit of my situation, I can ask now..
"What does one write on when there's nothing to write on?..

I guess it could be said that I wrote on the fact that there was nothing to write on...



All Images were created by me using Canva.
My Instagram page.


Quick tip:
Join BHR.
Wallet reward waiting.

I don't really write about my life...not much to write there. Usually current events move me, or something about nature. For example, I just learned about antlion larvae. Now that's creepy. That would make a great blog. Good pictures and video too.

Someday in the future, I will, if you don't write about it first :))

Take care of yourself, @seki1. Hope you get some good rewards, also.

Antlion larvae?

Now that sounds interesting...

I'll check it out

“What does one write on when there's nothing to write on?”

Every good writer suffers from the mythical writer's block, when the mind goes blank it is very difficult to fill in a blank page. It is difficult, but not impossible. There is always something to write about, it can be about anything that crosses your mind. You just have to get the idea in your head and develop it as much as you can.

For example:

  • Your favorite food
 4 days ago  

When there's nothing to write, you can get inspired by reading other's blog, read more reviews, check out free library online, the option are endless. Take a step back and then back to write again.

My problem is the opposite of yours. I have so much to write yet so little energy and time to do it all. I haven't even wrote things I should be doing haha. So, I am trying to catch up with my backlogs 😆

I also have little energy😂😂

 4 days ago  

hahahaha time to asses what drains your energy

Muy buen post , lo hiciste interesante, nada sobre que escribir

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