An Honest Politician


Term limits, conflict of interest and selg-aggrandization.

  • The Founding Fathers who wrote the Declaration of Independence, United States Constitution, Artcles of Confederation and the Bill of Rights had much different ideas about these issues 300 years ago, then we due now.
  • A brief look at their ideas, we can see them, because they recorded their debates, discussions and conclusions in a 20 volume set of papers called The Federalist Papers. They apparently wrote Essays detailing their positions, read each others essays, heard each other speak and then voted to chose the best ideas, which would become these important documents: United States Constitution, Artcles of Confederation and the Bill of Rights.


Term Limits

  • There is much talk of the need for term limits, as we stared down the barrow of a double gauge shotgun this year in American Politicis with our choices for the Leader of our nation both being the oldest candidates to ever run for the office.
  • This talk of course suffered from the usual partisan divide, as each side argued that Their candidtae over 80 was actually still sharp of mind
  • But to the non-partisan observer, that delicate balance between age or experience and youthful vigor, which helped us choose who would be the best leader, seemed quite out of balance towards the age or experience component.

Conflict of interest

  • The traditional reason, at least what I read in the essays written by the Founding Fathers of our nation for only serving one or at the most two terms in office, was that one's farm or business could only survive one term of complete neglect.
  • It seems the Founding Fathers had some outdated idea that to avoid conflict of interest one shouldn't run their farm or business for the duration of the Term of Service meaning the time spnt serving a political office. Only with this approach could complete honesty and Lack of Conflict of Interest be assured.


  • Apparently, the Founding Fathers were very concerned with not just impropriety, but even the appearance of impropriety, when it comes to Self-Aggrandization, which they defined as the enrichment of one self through one's involvement in Government Service.
  • The Founders of Our Nation apparently felt that any successful businessman could not help but help themselves, if they were still running their farm or business while serving their Term of Service which meant their Term in Government Office.
  • So they literally abandoned their farms and businesses, and had limited communication with their families and the people they chose to run these entities in their absence.
  • We must remember that 300 years ago, the only communication was the Pony Express which was literally letters carried by horseback. Which could take months or in the case of a country our size a year for letters to reach the West Coast from the East Coast.
  • In stark contrast to our current politicians, who go into office broke, and come out of office millionaires, it was not unusual for our Public Officials to suffer great financial setbacks, such as the loss of their farms or failure of their businesses, while they served their Term in Office.
  • Perhaps we should reconsider reinstituting some of these beliefs and ideas during our modern times, to reinstill trust and faith in our elected officials.


Putting it all together

  • During this election season we became acutely aware of one problem associated with the lack of term limits on our elected officials; they looked like they were to old to effectively govern.
  • The topic of term limits came up again, as people sought simple solutions to complex problems.
  • The Founding fathers dealt with these important issues of Term limits, Conflict of interest and Self-Aggrandization much differently, by creating a culture and concept of Public Service being a period of financial and personal sacrifice, which was often a financial sacrifice leading to the loss of ones livelihood, be it farm or business, so strict were their rules and ideas on impropriety, with regard to the last two items: Conflict of interest and Self-Aggrandization, that they never had to worry about the first item: Term Limits.
  • While I understand the concept of paying a living wage is important to insure a broaad spectrum of individuals serve in government, not just people wealthy enough not to work for two years, and sustain their home and support their family.
  • I think a reinstatement of strict rules regarding the later two issues of Conflict of Interest and Self-Aggrandization, would go along way towards reinstilling faith in the impartiality of our government.
  • And it could be what we need to return to a time when Government really was a time of Public Service, limited in scope due to the personal sacrifices our leaders had to make, instill of a actual Occupation or Profession.
  • What do you think?


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Just when you think something is not possible, you find a solution to a current problem in the past.

 7 months ago  

It’s certainly a change in structure the way things are managed now. It was part of the reason people rebelled against the system in the first place. At the same time though, there were people just as corrupt and exploitative in the colonies at the time of the revolution and afterwards. I will try to find the name tomorrow but there were certainly people like that after!

I see your point, there will always be people trying to game the system.

I thought this was cute! SO I am sharing it here.

An Honest Politician? A solution from the past, the Founding Fathers Solution.

Nice post, problem and solution.
Post format shaping up very nicely, now typos and mis-spellings are second focus and perhaps template this structure

Thank you, I like your summary of the post theme.

Your welcome.

Nice problem oriented post, name a problem, write a solution, and then base it on the nations Founding Fathers Ideas, that some Boomer Shit for Sure, but very convincing
I mean there is really nothing left to say, but when do we implement this stuff?!

Thanks, my dad always said, don't bring up a problem unless you have also thought of a solution to discus.

I think your writing style is getting more refined.

Your use of graphics to break up the text is getting better.

I think your previous use of graphics with each idea resulted in to many GIFs IMHO.

But your use of one GIF per paragraph in a paper dividied into three paragraphs is perfect.

As a corrollary to that thought, I think you did a real good job organizationally with this one:

  • short intro with three main elements
  • body divided into three paragraphs with one attributed to each of those three things
  • conclusion with rapid review of the theme, three things, and conclusion

I think you hit the ball out of the park with your structire of the post, highly organized, brief and nicely illustrated.

I also like the human element and emotion in the intro and the conclusion.

I think the brevity could be improved upon, because modern humans really can't read a wall of text.

Your efforts to break up the wall with both organizarion and graphics is a very good strategy.

I think if you combine it with brevity, you will capture a bigger audience.


Thank you for the detailed feedback on the post.

I intend to use it as my first template.

It's the classic keyhole essay format I looked up online.

Then remembered they taught it to me in high school, but I got a way from it because I have some much to say. LOL

I am learning to break up the wall of text with pictures and markdown.

We will see how this one is received by my audience.

Thanks #1000fans