I have about 5-10 minutes before I hit the bed to sleep. I have an early morning tomorrow so I am racing the clock again. And I have almost zero clue what I want to write. As always.
But not quite as always. I actually have a vague idea of a few things that have been circling my mind. None of those probably enough to make up one post, hence the confusion on selection. I think too many vague ideas equals to having none at all because you clarity of mind gets compromised with all the vague thoughts. All they do is serve to cloud your vision from focusing on one thing specifically.
I was thinking of writing about how I took over the kitchen in our house for the last week or so owing to my wife having exams and how this brought back a ton of memories from my time back in medical school - how we used to get together and cook late into the night and celebrate end of exams, holidays. Med school is when I first started living alone and started learning cooking for the first time really, so those are some pretty strong memories.
I have also been "binge watching" the world cup final match on repeat and countless documentaries on Lionel Messi adding the final jigsaw to solve the puzzle the world had so long longed! And I was tempted to write up a tribute to Lionel Messi, the one who made me fall in love with football. This is actually a post that is long overdue and I should have written quite soon after the final. But my head hasn't been in the right place for a few days at a stretch and my house has been a mess. I find it extremely difficult to write when my workstation looks like it has seen war!
Or maybe I should write something in the community page head-clerk opened a couple of months back and we never got it really kick off. When I think Wheels I think of my first bike I bought with the money I saved up from my part time job - a bike which ended up getting crushed in an accident. When I think of wheels, I think of one of my dad's car which I used to learn driving - a car I drove for nearly 10 years and I was extremely upset when my dad decided to sell it off. I stopped driving it out of sorrow, or maybe anger when the deal was all but set. But how fate would have me take it for a long ride one last time before it changed hands.
These are all very strong emotions and when such strong emotions start to bounce off inside the closed confines of the skull, they tend to cancel each other out and we are left with a blank head.

I was gonna reply something real controversial right now and then this part would've been hilarious. Could you imagine? Controversy - comedy - no commercial. Another time.
I'm guessing the controversy would have been regarding football and the GOAT debate? 😂
Comedy when I nominate Todd Marinovich.
I actually had to google that name 😅 I have very little knowledge of American football.
You mean GOAT is a worldly term and not just American?! = }
And you managed to write all this in 5-10 minutes, so well by the way?
Well now I'm going to go through your posts I really can't imagine what they will be like if you had more than 10 minutes to write....
Sincere congratulations!
Well it turned out to be 15 minutes if I am being honest 😅
If I am taking too long to write a post, I feel like it's going to be tedious for the readers to read as well. Hence I try to keep things simple 😉
Cooking together is definitely a fun thing to do!