
Great idea 💡

She might miss it after a while, but I know that burnt out feeling. It's why I don't write so much these days.

See you in Split for a chat with a beer and the world will be a little bit better.


Or I might enjoy my break so much that I become too lazy to do anything 😁

We need more people on anti abuse, that's for sure.

We need more people on anti abuse, that's for sure.

More that have a decent stake, and that's a tough call.

That definitely helps, and a high rep to knock them down

 9 months ago  

I throw my stake behind y'all for your anti abuse actions, it’s moderate but it all helps keep these assholes at bay! I’m actually surprised I got called out as one of the hive over-rewarded assholes who down votes - but my down vote is 98% of the time full lol.

Gotta clean the streets that’s for sure!
