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RE: On getting glasses 45 years too late

Thats some deep thoughts. Lots to think about. I tend to minimize self reflection. We all got where we are and now we are here. Best to stay in the present. But it is important to understand who you are and how you got there. Hope you can make this a positive thing in your life today 🙂 btw my son played hockey and struggled a bit with puck skills. One time we were walking through the airport and we were looking for a place to eat and I realized he couldn't read the signs! if its any consolation, he still struggled with puck skills after getting contacts 🤣


Yes, vision is but one component of skill. I got the call today to collect the glasses and I'm amazed at the sudden clarity of the world from afar and how much closer the floor seems. I think it's going to be fun navigating this new reality

Life is beautiful 😎 I'm happy for you.

the sudden clarity of the world from afar

it is exactly what / how I feel it myself. need to renew mine too...