I wanted to make a post about my beloved topics but then I realized that it's almost the end of the year. it'll be the last day of 2024 tomorrow, so I need to sum up my thoughts and results of this year.
Was it easy for me?
Was it useful?
I had many cares and worries this year. Sometimes I was filled with despair and fears. Sometimes I was exhausted and fed up with all of them.
But at the same time sometimes I was so happy!
So pleasantly surprised!
So satisfacted with our results and victories.
And with me personally. With my own inner feelings and moods.
This year was so different and so complicated.
But everything that doesn't kill us, makes us stronger, right?
So I do hope I was stronger and wiser now.
I do hope when I face my fears and worries again, I won't let them fill me again.
I thank this year that it has saved my family and native people.
I thank them for my tears and pain because they have brought me more wisdom.
Sometimes even 1 talk with the right person and at the right moment can change your life.
I think I've checked it with her..
Thank you, my dear Nainu...
Love you so much!I thank 2024 for my close connection with @nainaztengra that has made HUGE contribution to my inner calmness and wisdom.
I thank 2024 for my HiveFam that is still with me, for these people who are so dear to my heart now.
Almost every day I come here to write something about my life, my ideas, my thoughts, my interests, and I like to share all of this with YOU, my HiveFam.
I thank 2024 for @lynds who is my HiveSis as well, and I am so glad she has returned here, at least in my comments;)
I thank 2024 for @missdeli who is my nice friend here, and whose blog is so close to my heart as well.
I thank 2024 for all I had, and I am opening my doors with a smile and love to a new 2025...
Love you all, guys!!!
Happy new year! Hopefully 25 is going to be a good year for a lot of people on many fronts, especially health related!
thank you! Happy New year!! Were you holidays bright and cool?
С наступающим Новым 2025 годом!!!
So happy to be back in your life, sharing your ups and downs with you. Love you HiveSis Talia!! You are a real Angel. My 2025 bring all your dreams to you!
my dear Lynds, did you meet the New Year cool? Did you sons come to you on Christmas?
It was a good New Years, and January is already half way gone, time has been flying. The boys had Christmas with their Dads family this year, we had a nice celebration with a lot of good food when they got home though <3 <3 <3
stop stop - tell me more about your food now;))
btw, Sis, tell me some words about Canadian mood towards USA invitation to join them? it seems to me Canadiands never were fans of the US, right? Or you don't mind it?
Me personally, I would be for joining the US. I have wanted to live there my whole life.
ahh, I thought Canadian life is much better. But I'm sure you've reasons to dream about US.
heeeey Sis!! where are you??
Are you Ok?
Yes I am here beautiful! :D
Cheers to our 2024 and another cheers for the new year that is about to come. Challenges will be everywhere like always, but will grab it like an opportunity thrown to us to learn. So, lets give it another cheers ✨🍺🍺
Oh my dear, you have been through a lot and you are a fighter. Challenges are a part of life and will keep coming but what's important is how we deal with them. And I know you are a super-hero dealing with them.
I wish you a wonderful New year ahead filled with lots of love and blessings ❤️🤗