"My kid wants nothing! He just wants to play mobile games and chat. he has no interests, goals and desires. He has no personality!".

What is it?
It's words of many modern parents that I hear very often.

it's normal families, normal kids (like we're used to think of them), they have a normal life.
Parents are hard-working, clever, they have goals and achievements, and they do want their kids be the same!
But....something went wrong, and their kids are passive, and the only thing they really want - to be left alone and just watch Youtube, play games or listen to music.
These kids go to school, go in for sports, they can do maany things but they have no desire to do them.


I really hear these parents complaints on their kids very often.
The last time I heard them from our gymnastics trainer who said them about one of the boys. He stopped trainings though he had nice results. He goes to school but he has bad marks.
"He wants nothing but to play PC games", - he said.

I started to ask questions about this boy and his family because I felt the boy was Ok, there was something wrong inside of the family.

The thing was the boy started to go in for sport since 5 years old. Now he is 13. So he devoted the biggest part of his life to professional sport.
It means he had trainings for 5-6 hours a day. EVERY DAY.
After school he had to go to the trainings, and he finished them at 7-8 p.m.
And then he had time for himself and rest? NO! He had to make hometask for the next school day!
So where is his personal time? NO TIME FOR HIMSELF.
And his parents thought it was great. "No time for stupid things like mobile phone", - they said.

Time passed. The boy became a teenager. It's a breakline, It's a new period. It's a birth of his personality.
And what do we have? His outrage and war against such a life!
He rejected to continue trainings. He had low school marks. He devoted time to PC games and blogging. Because NOW, ONLY NOW he has power to say "Stop" and to show his own wish!!

They call it "he wants nothing", but in fact, he has definite dreams and goals, and he always had them, but they differ from what his parents want him to have. That's it.

There are NO kids who want NOTHING.
All people and kids have interests, desires and dreams.
if they prefer passive time with time-killers like TikTok, Youtube or PC games, it means they don't like the things they have to do, and it's their way to escape from this reality!

I am so sorry for this boy and for all kids who need to follow their parents ambitions and desires, and who has no chance to live their own life.

What do you think, guys?
This "absence of desires" is really a problem of modern Internet time, or it's just a fail of parents upbringing?


Great article, I have goosebumps. I didn't know the direction you were going to go in and I love your passion. I know what kind of Mother and parent you are, you will let your child be himself, find his own dreams, and you will facilitate to help them come true. No child could ask for more :)

My dear Sis, thank you for such words! You filled my heart with warmth now and make me smile;) I try to be the Mother you've described. Don't know whether I am successful or not. Maybe later when my son will be grown up, we will see it;) Sometimes I do something, and then I see I was wrong, I had to behave differently, but....we all are people, we all can make mistakes. There are NO ideal parents. But they are parents who are trying to be close to it. Looking at ourselves from the other side helps much. The main is not to forget to do it as often as possible;)

Sending you an Ecency curation vote

 3 months ago  

I’ve got a few thoughts on this! I’ve been trying to improve my delivery of topics I am passionate about.. so I’m sorry if it doesn’t come out correctly :D

I have the initial thought of “too much blue light exposure for the kids” as my first thought.

Second I read the end and fully agree that the kid is unfortunately in that weird time of his life where he’s trying to set himself apart from his younger self. That’s about the time where the boys are trying to shed their childhood personality for something different. Women have it more straight forward - you are no longer a child when you have your first menstruation. Boys don’t have the same life changing moment so it’s harder for us to do that transition process in the world we live in today where there isn’t a formal transition for boys like a celebration or something.

Back to the blue light discussion! Blue light I’ve heard about for a long time and how damaging it is for our bodies. I only recently started to fully experience the information by finding some great podcast hosts who explain it well!

Blue light and devices absolutely destroy the dopamine system in children and they also slow the development of their frontal lobe of their brain. These, among many other dangers of games, devices and things of that nature are why a lot of parents need to invest the time and effort to get an understanding of how unnatural blue light truly is!

This woman has a great podcast where she focused so much on light related health. It’s a great listen I recommend!
