Have No Mercy

It has been interesting over the last couple days where the "revelation" of what we have all known all along has come to light, that Twitter has indeed been shadow-banning accounts that they decided were not appropriate - which was predominantly the "conservative" voices out there. For years they denied this was happening, but since Musk has taken over, there has been a cleaning of house and in so doing, a lot of dirt is being uncovered.

Seems being "woke" doesn't mean having to be truthful.

Where's that high horse?

But, what can really be expected in this day and age? Also, they can make whatever decisions they want as despite what people seem to believe, Twitter was never a public space, and doesn't have to give anyone a voice if it chooses. No one owns their account there, no one has any rights whatsoever - everyone is at the mercy of the platform.




Not exactly what social platforms are known for.

It seems that despite spending tens of billions on Twitter, Musk still doesn't mind broadcasting the failings of what is now his company, even if it comes at a cost, and transparency in this day and age is costly. However, in a world where (especially digitally) the truth will eventually come out, perhaps this approach will be better in the longrun, rather than trying to cover it up and sweep it under the rug. This way, down the track he won't have to deal with the inevitable leaks where he knew about this, but didn't publicize it.

Cleaning the house isn't fun.

But it is better than living in a sty.

And it is better than having that fear of discovery down the track. Yet, many people don't seem to have that "down the track" thinking anymore, so they do what satisfies them in the moment, as if the future is not going to be affected by it.

We don’t shadow ban, and we certainly don’t shadow ban based on political viewpoints
Jack Dorsey

Do you think Jack knew he was not telling the truth when he said this in 2018? I suspect he knew. But even if he didn't explicitly know, do you think he was unaware this entire time since? Highly unlikely - which means that even if he didn't know at the time, he then failed to do anything about it once he found out.


Companies can't be trusted.

I am not sure when people are going to learn this, but no matter what the premise of the company might be, or what their slogan says, companies are companies - they are in it for profits and they are beholden to shareholders, not users. It doesn't matter if it is Twitter, Nike or Mitsubishi - first and foremost, their goal is to grow and protect shareholder wealth, and it doesn't matter much what they have to do in order to do just that. In the case of Twitter, as far as censoring accounts go, they haven't broken any laws, they have just broken the illusion that they are politically impartial - which is no surprise to anyone.

But, the "woke" will not care, because just like the companies they support, they work in their own self-interest too, protecting their opinions. They don't see anything wrong with censoring political voices, as long as it isn't "their political voice", as long as it is the voice of the enemy.

We are living in a world where information has value because it is only available to some people. In a world of informational transparency, the value of data is massively reduced, because there is little competitive advantage in it. Our privacy might be one reason we want to keep data hidden, but our privacy is only at the surface layer - below, everything we do is being collected, compiled and used against us. We just don't know how, most of the time.

The real concern here isn't what Twitter has been doing, but society in general where we are happy to suppress people who disagree with us, or make us feel uncomfortable, and we are happy to see them cancelled because of it. There is very little compassion in the world today and there is a distinct lack of mercy, especially in those who spend a lot of time on social platforms to get their dose of meaning in their life.

So woke - so very asleep.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


The world has been upside down. Everything lost meanings with “woke” changing the definition of every words in real time.

The censoring has done harm to people and society, especially we now know so many what used to be labelled “misinformation” turned out to be the truth.

Changing definitions of words that had for years had very particular meanings... like "vaccination"

Sometimes one no longer knows what to believe in, whether in the Cold War, on the one hand, or in the massive manipulation, on the other hand, Mr. Taraz, I believe that the occult comes to light... meanwhile the dementia of the dark ones is more and more noticeable. This is to make anyone's hair stand on end.

The mass manipulation has been in play for a couple thousand years, and we still haven't learned not to listen.

The real concern here isn't what Twitter has been doing, but society in general where we are happy to suppress people who disagree with us, or make us feel uncomfortable, and we are happy to see them cancelled because of it.

The left has become absolutely self righteous, and wants to believe that the right is teeming with bigots, and that the left is free from bigotry of all kinds. Meanwhile, they are flaming bigots toward conservatives! This bigotry is false and irrational, but it is also a stepping stone (cognitive dissonance if you will) toward believing that acheiving their ends justifies their means. For instance, they believe protecting democracy justifies tampering with election results all over the dang world. Some on the right are guilty of this as well.

I have been registered democrat for almost 50 years, so don't be thinking I am a Q crazy, alt-right, Trump supporter. I am none of those. I believe in freedom, love, and natural law, which is being violated heavily, by both the right and the left.

The left has become absolutely self righteous,

But haven't bothered to be truthful.

The left I feel is no longer the left, nor the right the right - it is all socially weaponized narrative, driven by a small group of decision makers for profit and power.

Yes, I agree. Our politicians are just playing their assigned parts, probably all of them.

 2 years ago  

It sounds like you are more on the classical liberal, which is where we need to move back towards!

Truth is the best policy. Truth comes out sooner or later. Truth is being suppressed everyday.

The far-left woke extremists that used to censor tweets are so afraid of debates and opposing views. Why? Truth can stand up to scrutiny. Is censorship the only tool woke have to conceal truth? Does it mean they have been lying all the time?

Interesting questions and I think that they have been at least lying to themselves the entire time, believing that what they are doing is for some greater good. It isn't, it is self-serving.

In a bull market, I read a lot of twitter. There was a lot of interesting information on crypto projects. But now I don't go there. In a bear market, one resource is enough for me - Hive.

I wonder if it is worth going in a bull market, considering how much hype scam there is :D

I had one dangerous project, I bought his token on the fall from $9 to $1. I invested half of my money. I was lucky that I got a small plus.

It's good that he decided to bring everything out in the open. If he had let it stay hidden, it would probably hurt the company in the future. Someone would still dig that up and use it against him and his group of companies.

I figure he is trying to work out what loses him the least amount.

My tweets can deleted, my account can be frozen, therefore it is not my account indeed. What I would like Musk to do is cleaning trolls.

I believe that if we can always be putting our legs in other people shoes, we will learn to be sympathetic.

Thank you so much for your support of my @v4vapp proposals in the past, my previous one expired this week.

I'd be really happy if you would continue supporting my work by voting on this proposal for the next 6 months:

Additionally you can also help this work with a vote for Brianoflondon's Witness using KeyChain or HiveSigner

If you have used v4v.app I'd really like to hear your feedback, and if you haven't I'd be happy to hear why or whether there are other things you want it to do.

Incoming days elon use Twitter for crypto. I remember last bull market elon just twitted about and doge coin pump continuously. I personally think its good for crypto users. Thanks for sharing your valuable opinion about twitter.

 2 years ago  

The things that have gone on over the past few weeks with the files being released are both promising as well as slightly disappointing. I guess that's the goal of the assholes that are driving this game, they have twisted reality so much that we are constantly expecting the other shoe to drop. I will take a win when I can get one that's for sure but I am suspicious of what the motives are behind the leaks and the change of Twitter. We know that the financial elite and people like ol' Klaus are foaming at the mouth at the thought of getting us all hooked up to a digital identity. Will this Twitter 2.0 where people pay for accounts be a part of that, which is why all of this is being allowed to happen?

Damn these psyops! Too many of them get you questioning every little thing, even if it's overall good lol.

I really like your reflections and will start from Twitter and then move into wider areas and I fully agree with what you said. It's sad to think that there are those who would like to see you destroyed because you think otherwise.
I like this quote and it inspires me a lot: ""I don't share your idea, but I would give my life for you to express it."; I was very struck by the sentence with which you close... dry, cold and so true.. .So woke - so very asleep.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for this beautiful post. A hug!

 2 years ago  

So woke - so very asleep.

That summarizes it perfectly.