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RE: Here we go again...

Sick kids can suck a lot, but at the same time, it is natural. If they are never sick, what happens to their immune system? I think that because of the pandemic, there are a lot of "disruptions" to children's growth and it will have to rebalance.

Dealing with it personally - well that depends on you as a parent, but for me - it is about building effective strategies to be able to do what I need to do, while looking after my daughter. That generally means, looking after her and doing what I need to do after she is asleep. I have been doing this for years though, so it is just part of the routine now.


Thanks for the kind words, I agree with you completely, I know is inevitable for them to get sick but still feels terrible, my kids are so active and they can't practically stay calm, they are always running around and chasing each other and making lots of noise! when they are sick, the house feels so empty and sad. Thank God I have my husband, he tries to fill in for me in the house chores when the girls are down, cause when they get sick all they want is mommy, and that's great but it's also a bit overwhelming... I know all parents agree it'd be so much better if we could get sick for them

 3 years ago  

Thanks for dropping by a comment here :D

Yeah I'm totally with you on the natural aspect of kids being sick! My wife freaks out if our son gets a little stuffy nose. I'm like wtf calm down, it's important for him to get sick! He needs a functioning immune system lol

I've certainly taken your strategy on it and now do most everything while he sleeps now. Makes for a tired me but lets me get things done so it's a win there.