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RE: A Little Dis-Content

in Rant, Complain, Talk11 months ago

I won't quote the whole first paragraph, but that is exactly what I am talking about. It is like living vicariously through other people - and then trying to make it personal.

Get out there, experience life, live life. What is the point of being behind a screen if life just passes by outside the window?

When I step back it is to go out and experience something that I can share.


Somewhere, I have about 1000 unfinished drafts. I used to create about five draft ideas a day, but only use two of them, but write two more on top - It is good to take notes of interesting conversations, observations, and thoughts - even if they don't turn into content, it helps us remember parts of life that mattered at the time.


I have started using to help me piece together those thoughts. I ask the chat questions about what I've written and it surfaces relevant pieces that I can use to write posts. But I still have a backlog of notes that aren't in it. So it's more aware of recent work.