This Post will be Edited

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago (edited)

I have 5,429 top-level posts on this chain, this being my 5,430th. I have written about many topics over the years, but there is one thing I don't think exists - a "Deleted" post. You know the ones where someone has accidentally posted too soon, or the wrong information and then they delete it? Yeah, not one as far as I can remember.


Even though I am generally careful before submitting, it is not that I have never made a mistake and posted too soon, or the wrong thing at times, it is just that there is absolutely no need for it.

If you don't know how it is impossible, I will let you in on a little secret that everyone knows.



I know...

Fucking Amazing.

You know what that means?

You can Edit!


You already knew that, because you used that amazing little function to go in and change whatever the original post was into something that now says,


Why not just edit the post to say,

Oops, I screwed up here, but stay tuned, because the post I was meant to post will be added here soon!

And then, what really tops it, is when a few minutes later, the "real post" is added as an all new post.

I don't get it.

For those that don't know, the only part of the post that can't be edited is the URL for a particular post that has already been posted, But, that really isn't an issue that anyone has to worry about at the best of times, let alone for the "odd mistake" where the post-load was blown too soon.

It wasn't always the case though. Back in the day, posts couldn't be edited at all, so once they were on the chain, they were on the chain. But, now they can be edited constantly, which has its pros and cons, but is much better for a creator. Because, for me at least, I make a lot of typos, especially if posting from my phone, so I go back in when I notice something and edit it to improve it. This is because I do actually give a shit that if ten years down the track someone finds my work, they don't read it and say,

"This fuck didn't even care enough to proofread and edit."

I miss many still, but I do try.

Why the fuck do people allow typos in the headline titles?

I have made many, many, many typos and now that my fingers don't move as well as they used to and my head plays word tricks on me since the stroke, I make even more. However...

A little self-respect?

When I see people making a lot of typing errors and not correcting them, it just indicates that they don't care enough about what they contribute, which makes me think,

Why should I give a fuck about what they contribute?

Or perhaps, they don't realize they are making all of these errors, which them makes me think,

Why would I listen to this person?

When they benefit from autos and do this, it just makes me think,

I'll leave it at that.

There are lots of reasons why someone might make typos, like dyslexia, or the autocorrect playing silly buggers, or just oversized fingers, missing thumbs, sticky keys... whatever. But, since there is an edit button, why not correct them? Isn't it part of the presentation for the audience? If a creator isn't creating for the audience, what are they doing it for?

Oh... of course.

My point (other than just to rant), is that if someone actually cares about what they are putting on chain, they are going to make a little more effort and correct their errors when they pick them up - at least occasionally. For me, having a "Deleted" post looks crap in my feed, even if I am the only one who sees it, or cares about it.

I just wonder at times how entitled some people seem to get on this platform, not caring about what they post, not replaying to comments they get, not giving a crap if they get comments at all... they just come in, dump their crap and leave again. They can't find the reply or edit buttons, but they damn well know how to use the wallet functions.

Everything committed to the chain is on the chain forever, whether it is edited or not. An edit doesn't remove it, it just adds another version of it that links back to the original. That means, that this rant is on the chain forever too, so even if I change it to a pretty picture of a flower, laying underneath, referenced somewhere, it will be here.

As are all of those dummy spits of the past.

And anyway, I just felt like a bit of a rant, but hopefully, there was something in here that made you think or made you laugh, or perhaps, shed a little tear for all the crap this chain has collected over the years.

Talk about bloat.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Edit: I changed the image. I like this one better and it is more fitting for the post.


I once missed the 'p' in 'cryptocurrency' in the headline. Now the URL is wrong forever, and I hate it more than a bad tattoo.

That's a great comparison! 😅 !LOLZ

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

better than calling it cryptocurrancy like I have seen ;D

I hate making typos in the title. Pisses me off too.

 3 years ago  

Whenever ive done that, I rush about trying to replace it with something worthy! In less than half an hour it's not a mistake at all, it's a new post.

Exactly! How hard is it? Even if it takes a couple hours...

Why......I just used this unique feature some few minutes ago and I've been using it whenever I can.. sometimes in the rush to meet up with posting hours (I know this barely happens to you), I end up making a lot of silly typos and recently I've always taken the time to proofread even after posting to be sure it meets my wildest imagination or atleast conforms to what I wanted, then I can breathe easy.

I didn't even know the delete function actually works, I think it's great to be given the opportunity to be able to undo or redo your mistake posts on the blockchain, goes a lot of way to help us all...I don't see why one shouldn't give a crap about the crap she's adding to the blockchain..

I shed a tear after reading this and had to proofread for errors ..

It is worth making the effort in my opinion, as it tends to slowly correct over time and then, there isn't so much to edit :)

The delete works only if there is no interaction on the post as far as I understand. As soon as there is a single vote, it gets locked in. Not sure if this is still the case though.

It is worth making the effort in my opinion, as it tends to slowly correct over time and then, there isn't so much to edit :)

I think your opinion matters in this instance and I go with it... overtime, it'll be a lot more easier too whenever there's need to make changes

Ok I understand's nice enough, since they'll be no reason to delete any post, as long as I can edit it to make it better

Just edit and correct :)

I sure will...Thank you @tarazkp ❤️

That's an amazing image... did you take it? It's incredible.

I honestly find myself editing posts so much... it kills me to find a little error in something I've written.

Yeah of course it is mine! :D

I don't understand why some people just don't care about it. I mean sure, there is a spectrum of skills, but for a native speaker?

that really isn't an issue

It is if you over/think seo and if you might be ocd XD

it would deeply upset me if I stuffed up and one of my posts now had an even slightly different url to the title (exceptions made when smaller words and/or special characters are dropped) but I'm used to paying attention to urls and it probably wouldn't be a problem for most people

When I see people making a lot of typing errors and not correcting them

I think there are some freewrite type things that want you to post raw flowstate (basically your extreme first draft straight out of your head no editing warty typos and all) and it wouldn't surprise me if they got done here too.

Though I'm guessing that you were reading something that isn't that XD

Also may some of the other front ends still don't edit? I donno I don't look x_x

Other than that wasn't it one of the oldschool "tried and true" farming techniques XD

It is if you over/think seo and if you might be ocd XD

Yeah, but for most of the content here - still not an issue! :D

I think there are some freewrite type things that want you to post raw flowstate (basically your extreme first draft straight out of your head no editing warty typos and all) and it wouldn't surprise me if they got done here too.

This does happen, but I am a freewriter too. I can write in flow, but that doesn't mean I have to leave it as trash after posting.

Also may some of the other front ends still don't edit? I donno I don't look x_x

I checked several and they all seem to have it enabled. Not sure about ecency, but I am guessing they wouldn't skip it either.

Other than that wasn't it one of the oldschool "tried and true" farming techniques XD

Yes. Anything for a dollar.

The one I was describing is a very specific kind of free write. I want to say not many people do it but that’s only because I haven’t seen many people do it and I don’t actually have a clue.

Yeh it makes sense that everything SHOULD have it, it is a very basic feature these days.

I misread the title as This post will be deleted 😅

With your Rep you can rant for a full week before anyone starts talking smack.

Btw, oversized fingers ... that's happening to a lot of men in their late years. Brace yourself.

With your Rep you can rant for a full week before anyone starts talking smack.

You'd be surprised! I have taken my share of criticism here, though generally not about the quality of my posts - definitely on my rants :D

Btw, oversized fingers ... that's happening to a lot of men in their late years. Brace yourself.

"Fat finger sells" are a good reason to have lowball buys in. :D

Perhaps here:


There is an ongoing debate happening on how sexy fat finger are @.@

Yeah, I need to go and edit when I post, typo’s mainly.

It is common for many, but it seems that some just don't care enough to bother.

The edit function is a great tool, but like many tools it can and has been mis-used. the mis-use is generally when someone is called out by Hivewatchers for not including source information, then they edit the post and tell people 'see I just don't understand what they think I did wrong'. it works for some but trying to view the original non-edited post is not an easy thing to do.

There were a couple people a couple years ago, who were going back to their old posts, editing them out and using the contents to make a new post. They were cropping photos to confuse the checks. They were caught.

Eventually most crooked people get caught, there will always be those that just do not care about that though and still return to their previous ways. A hazard of decentralization and anonymous accounts.

I am thinking of deleting that dodgy running post (after it pays out). I cringed at that. On here, reputation and trust is everything. I think I'm allowed one fuck-up.

You can only delete the contents - or put something else there :)

I think I'm allowed one fuck-up.

For sure - it happens.

You can only delete the contents - or put something else there :)

Oh I know, there are reasons.

Also, that posts get upvote before editing "deleted", thus they then become valueless in content, but get paid from the reward pool.

Exactly. If getting autos, like some of these are getting, they should definitely add something of value there, not make a whole new post to claim more autos.

I recently made such a mistake - the first ever - on a post I meant for another community and did the Edit thingy. Someone later told me to just leave it as it is. And that action brought in the hive watchers.

I think its just best to leave the error the way it is. And your advice about adding a tag up saying...

Oops, I screwed up here, but stay tuned, because the post I was meant to post will be added here soon!

...makes sense too. But I will make sire to be more careful than ever. I Must confess I admire your feat of not having one erroneous post...🙌🙌🙌
I celebrate thy grace.🙇

I've been using the edit feature from the start, no one even had to point it out.

Do people not see it in the options tab? Weird.

And I'm with you on the Deleted Posts part, and how those can ruin our feeds. It's true, it does ruin the whole vibe and feed. Luckily, I don't have any of those on my feed, not yet at least haha.

When it comes to proofreading; while I'm writing my posts, I go through it all at least 5 times, and maybe once more after a few hours, just to check for errors.

Yes, there probably are a few mistakes hanging around in some corner, a corner that I might've missed, but hey, at least I tried. A little bit of effort goes a long way.

You didn't get the real reason for the deleted post, did you?

Since I mostly live around the deep underbelly of hive, things are not pretty down there. People do 'post' because you just copy it and paste it again. And farm auto-vote. Majority of vote on hive are auto-vote, including votes on your posts. People think (and they are generally right) that no one is going to look at a 2 year old post and notice that it is a re-post.

This is a sad discussion and Taraz and I had it many times in the past. Alas, it never changes..

People really go that far back just for a re-post and copy and paste? And if they're "caught" or something, are they then forced to delete it dada?

So far I've only noticed a single picture or two being reposted/recycled; the posts mostly being creative or fictional, not related to photography.

foreced? Yeah, by me, and several others. But I must say, many got away.

This is fairly common all over, but especially from our countries...unfortunately.

Here is an example:

Known master spammer/scammer from your neck of the woods...numerous offenses.. Latest in here

Just giving you an example. I have sorry probably thousands.

but especially from our countries

We always look for the easiest and fastest route, that's the issue. No one sees the long-term potential; to be honest, they don't want to see the long-term potential or results. Just get some money quick, no ingenuity or integrity, just some "scammy" tactics.

Known master spammer/scammer from your neck of the woods...numerous offenses.. Latest in here

Wait, are you telling me that this Shoumik dude is behind this new account named Christinee? 😂

Wait, are you telling me that this Shoumik dude is behind this new account named Christinee?


And I used to think that only Facebook was capable of attracting such crazies 😂

It seems that Hive also has its fair share of drama and squabble 😵

Thanks alot for this. Yeah mistakes do happen, but what matters most is to look back and make a correction, which the edit button has provided. People should really care about their contents and re-read them after posting for any possible mistakes that need correction.

Nothing hurts like a serious typo on a comment that you only notice days after when someone else replies to it. Not correcting a typo is fucking disrespectful to the language and other people who use it.