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RE: This is About That

I read this one a few days ago and it was hard to believe that Chris has been gone for two years already.
Disgusting is the first thing that came to my mind when I read this one.
WTF is wrong with people, who makes them the experts. It sounds like Driver is doing great and that is what people should be focused on. I don't care if the kid is playing with Barbie dolls, just as long as he is happy and being cared for. Hopefully, the people that were questioning his sexuality and then putting in their 2 cents weren't Ash's friends, if they were, she needs to cut them out of her life.
Dela sounds like he is stepping in big time, good for him, he seems like a good guy and he's got his heart in the right place.

 4 years ago  

I don't care if the kid is playing with Barbie dolls

Thank You!!

Who gives a you know what?! I couldn't believe what I was hearing either Sweed. Commending Dela the way you did, dude you and I are eerily alike. 👍🏿

I'm the biggest liar on the blockchain if I didn't admit emotions all over the place when I learned they were dating. I stayed out of it for awhile, several months, intentionally kept my distance by ignoring so I didn't say anything I'd regret. Know what? I got over it real fuckin fast and I couldn't be happier. None of this is DeLa, Driver, Ash's fault. Chris did this to himself. Another thing..

I always leave her daughter out and I feel like an asshole nowadays. Ash has a daughter, "Kandyce," she's 2-3 years older than Driver, both those kids are loved and I can't wait to see'em again.

Two years, believe that?! Actually, Bob, we're at the two year, five month mark as I type this. DeLa JUST sent me another video clip yesterday. It's Driver on his little scooter at a skate park. I'll try to attach it here but I don't know if it'll work. Saturdays are "their day," DeLa and Driver. If it isn't a skate park, it's fishing, or even a road trip. Just talking about it like this chokes me up.

Nah. I don't know how Instagram works but I'm sure they were just virtual acquaintances.

Thank you for caring, Bob! I hope this finds you and yours well. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. It didn't work, by the way.. I had to make a gif. Nah, I don't love the kid at all can you tell?


Great idea letting things play out first before getting back to them. The Lord works in strange ways, and as sad as it is to have a friend pass at least he now has someone in his life that has his priorities in order and should be around for a while. Kids need nurturing and Dela seems to want to pour his entire self into doing just that, provide guidance, friendship, and a strong male figure.
Have a great day.