

What do you think of his programme? Trust the Plan.

I'm not sure what 'programme' and 'Plan' you refer to. He will not have my vote. An explanation for that decision may be found in my response to a comment by @mobbs, above.

You live in Germany? What is your impression of the election over there?

Thanks for stopping by and adding your perspective.

Thank you for your reply.
Yes, I am from Germany and tend to be a non-voter. I became aware of your post because for some years now I have had the feeling that democracy has never existed since I have been on this earth, but that in this system that the private banking society has set up, it only serves to appease the people in order to pretend to have a possible choice. These parties are as little different from each other as they were 100 years ago, they are one and the same only in a different colour. It's the same in the USA as it is here in Germany.

I look at your elections from a biblical perspective, because if Trump wins, then he may be the beast from Revelation that suffered a wound and then rises to great power and gives it to another beast.
That could be A Elon Musk - technocrat
or Pope Francis who is a Jesuit just like Trump and they make common cause with the cabalistic sect from Russia just like our German government.

That could be A Elon Musk - technocrat

I think the combination of the richest man in the world--someone who controls satellite transmission, space travel and a powerful media platform--with an imperial US.president, that is a thing to be feared.

Yes, I agree - the combination sounds like a global catastrophe.
I'm pretty good at seeing what's not immediately obvious, so I can recognise these dark structures very well.
I already didn't like the old world order where they rained bombs on us, and I don't like the current show of New World Order psychological warfare either.
There have been some observations in recent years that I have been able to research, about laws that I find very questionable and about the arming of the Fema camps. can you tell me more about this?
(National Defense Authorization Act and USA PATRIOT Act)- They devalue the constitution in the name of national security, but what if the enemy is in the ranks that decide this and see themselves in danger to protect themselves with the sentences?

FEMA Camps? Nothing sinister there. FEMA sets up temporary housing after a disaster. Nobody is forced to live in temporary housing. They are not camps, like concentration camps. They are areas where trailers might be placed until better accommodations can be found. Nobody is being armed there. I think this might be an Internet rumor.

Patriot Act. Interesting name. I value the protections written in the Constitution. Whenever anyone tries to get around them, I'm not comfortable. That's why the election next week is so important. The president has so much power now. Donald Trump has had a rehearsal--his first term. Then he didn't know how to exercise the levers of power. I think he was surprised to be elected.

This time, he'll know his way around. Knows exactly what to do to get what he wants. It's going to be a disaster.

Then it is also a concentration camp, just under a different name. However, the German information sections state that the Fema camps have been equipped with weapons and mass graves in the last 5 years.
I think that Trump knows exactly what he is doing, because his connections indicate that he is playing along with the big players and is not as stupid as he looks.

the German information sections state that the Fema camps have been equipped with weapons and mass graves in the last 5 years.

I don't know what that is, but these camps don't exist.