I will say this out loud with no regrets hoping that you'd learn something that could actually potentially change your life.
Love in itself isn't always a positive emotion and a blessing. Too much of it and it becomes negative, and turns into a curse. Think of unrequited love or unsolicited love. The giver finds satisfaction in giving out so much love even if wasn't asked for. The receiver receives it even he/she didn't ask for it and this eventually creates heavy feelings in both parties: a heavy sense of indebtedness on the part of the one loved, and an equally heavy feeling of expecting to be loved back on the part of the lover.
And then the lover would suffer thoughts of feeling unloved or unworthy of being loved, or being not good enough to be loved. And the loved one would feel guilty of being unable to reciprocate.
So you see, anything without consent, even a commonly perceived positive emotion called love, ends up intrusive, heavy, and violating in nature. And this isn't limited to romantic love. It also applies to friends and family relationships. Helping people is wonderful, but only when it is welcome and not forced. Rallying people to help is also wonderful, but again, only when it is welcome and not forced. Anything beyond a willful act breeds resentment, hypocrisy, and suppressed hatred, waiting to explode and destroy at a future time.
The physical world we see right now - from the modern day buildings, to straw huts - are all manifestations of the inner world. Of our thoughts, which bring about feelings and eventually actions, that eventually result into something physical.
Therefore we ought to be conscious of the relationship between the physical and the unseen world. A messed up life is a manifestation of a broken subconscious mind. So pay attention to your thoughts and emotions. All the time. For they determine your reality. #bartthinks
P.S. special mention to @wittyzell for the year-long persistent prodding to come back to hive and peakd. Thanks a lot!
Wow timing na timing sa valentines ang topic! 😂
It’s hard. I think at some point, we’re all burden by something. Even crush2x haha
Nice post.
Love and understand yourself first and others will love you for who you are.
Welcome back Lawrence! I can vouch to this one 😂😂😂
HAHAHAHA kulit lang ng kulit noh 🤣
Indeed it’s important to balance things like this! If we don’t balance it, it can get in the wrong direction.