I am a pendulum, swaying from one side to the other. My feet planted firmly on the ground. I let myself become one with the beat, my eyes closed, by arms by my side. The Equinox, a time of balance, the balance of our inner and outer self. The balance, between day and night, the light and the dark. Both such an integral part of life. I sway, embodying the winter, the heaviness that weights upon me. I am low to the ground, feeling strong in my stance, feeling into my power. The well, that lies within me.
Then I flow into spring, where things are lighter and my body and arms reach for the sky. Upwards they reach and I embrace my growth. I move more now, still swaying, but this time my arms move with more freedom. I have more of a spring in my step and I feel like I could almost take off, yet I remain deeply rooted. The Equinox, calling on us to become more aware of the balance of energy, that we are a part of. To remain open, to not turn away from any side of ourselves, any side of life. It is all a lesson, all an opportunity.
We live in a world, that honours the logical mind, over the intuitive one. Where we have been taught to ignore our intuition. Now is the time to listen, to learn, to find our way back, so that we can experience more balance, in our lives. We need both, in equal measures. As we travel more, into the outer realms of ourselves, we tap into the energy of manifestation, to reach out for what we want, to bring it into being.
I sway, like a pendulum. I feel my energy rise.
Finally breaking free, of the constraints that I have been feeling. Letting go, shaking off my shackles. The heaviness, that allowed me to travel inwards, during the winter months. But now, we move into the more active part of the year, to break out and move forwards. To become more active, helping to shift our energy.
I am still swaying. From right to left, sinking into the rhythm. Into my flow.
Yesterday was my birthday. A wonderful friend of mine, took me out to breakfast, after I finished work. We went to a lovely organic cafe, where we had a Mexican breakfast. (The cafe is run by a lovely Mexican woman, so it's pretty authentic.)Then we went to another friend's clothes shop and tried on some of her clothes. Stuff I would never normally wear. It was so much fun. Then I went and bought lots of fruit, banana's, strawberries, grapes, blueberries, plums and kiwi. For I had plans to make a fruit salad. To bring to the picnic, I invited some of my friends to.
We met among some Eucalyptus trees. My daughters, met me there, hands full of flowers and homemade cards. There was a feast, a vegan feast, everyone brought a dish, some bring sweet and some savory, a perfect balance. I felt spoiled. Then one of my friends turned up with his portable sound system and played us some tunes, so we could dance under the shade of the trees. We danced until the wind picked up, sending us all on our way.
Today, I went to an Ecstatic Dance event, put on by a friend of mine. This is where I began to sway, where we were invited to sway like a pendulum. To connect more with our bodies, to connect more with our intuitive flow, another opportunity for me to celebrate my birthday. By bringing myself back into balance,whilst continuing to sway between the many parts of me. Where I feel whole.

Happy to see that I'm not the single one who goes for b-day celebrations into the woods, lol. I've never met someone alike which makes this moment even more special for me :D
The woods are the best place to celebrate xxxx
Hello my friend!
How nice to read you, we haven't spoken in a long time.
Best wishes for your birthday yesterday and your non-birthday today?
I hope everything goes well.
I send you a big hug!
Thanks so much @p1k4ppa10, I hope you are well. I don't seem to get much time to be online these days, so I'm a bit out of the loop xxx
I was a little out of the loop too.
We'll talk to you when you're here, the important thing is to know that you're okay.
I'm fine, come on, I never give up and I think positively 😉
I hug you!
Hug to you too xxx
Wow lovely words, which are in prose and verse, they spread peace and a feeling of freedom. Happy birthday to you and glad you had a great time. Delighted to read your post. Thank you
Ah thank you @maxjulisgf xxx
I feel you. It's a moment of change. It'd be foolish to ignore the transition in our own bodies. And many happy returns to you, my dear <3 So happy to have met you and get to engage with you, and I'm wishing you and the girls all the loveliness in the world.
Ah thank you lovely. I'm so happy to have connected with you too xxxx
Happy birthday my friend. I hope you had a great day, it certainly sounds like it, as the words above glow from the page. The hand picked flowers and hand crafted cards from your daughters with lovely messages were no doubt the highlight.
Go raibh mile a maith agat, Mo Chara xxxx
Tá failte romhat mo chara uaisle
First, happy belated birthday
Oddly enough one of my forthcoming song is called "just sway" and resonated with your words. Now Ostara (Spring equinox) leans into longer days
Thanks so much @yidneth, Oh I would love to hear that song xxx
Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had an enjoyable day, that’s all we can ask for. I thought I had the equinox and solstice dates in my calendar but for some foolish reason they aren’t there. Conspiracy? Lol I swore they used to be there.
Tomorrow Spain will shut down Telegram, so I won't be surprised that those dates went from your calendar xxThank you @cmplxty, I had a wonderful day and the celebrations carried into the weekend. Feeling very lucky indeed.
Oh Happy Belated Birthday! I am SO late saying it! LOL
Your photos fill my lungs with fresh air and the promise of the awakening spring which you described in yourself so beautifully. Your birthday sounded so blessed surrounded by love and a plethora of good things.
BIG HUGS and MUCH LOVE to you!
Thank you @sallybeth23, for your lovely words and bday wishes xxx