hiking, house hunting and an upcoming trip...

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 months ago

After talking about our future house/land for quite some time, @clareartista and I decided to finally go look at some property with our plumber friend ( mentioned in recent @diaryofacreative posts ), who has loads of connections in this area and is Portuguese.

Although it was fun to head out with him, for half a day,
and we did like elements of what he showed us, as well as picking a big bag full of oranges from a huge, old orange tree on one of the properties, we also realized that we prefer finding our place in our own, organic way, not via someone else.

So, the next day, we went on a long hike by ourselves instead of driving around with the other guy, to see things afresh. This time without the salesman kind of energy from someone who wants to help out because he likes us but is also in it for the business/money.

It felt good.

Nevertheless, soon after - eventhough Clare was starting to warm up to the idea of building a future in this area - I started getting mixed feelings.

After having lived in this area for 6+ years, I feel a bit tired of it all and of the people and general energy. Therefore, I proposed to Clare to visit the area where I started out my own housing search, just after arriving in Portugal, in the Spring of 2018.

It is a one hour drive away, an hour closer to/an hour away from the sea and in yet another mountainous area. Near a small city and half an hoir away from a bog city, Coimbra.

We plan to go there soon and might camp for a while, on the same camping spot that I spent a month and a half on, back in the days.

I feel excited to show Clare that area, to do some exploring, intuitive property hunting and see how the two of us feel out there.

We are about to head out for lunch as we need a break and Bitcoin broke new highs, once again, moving over $100,000 for the very first time.

Let me leave you with some pics of our hiking/house exploration of earlier this week.

Sending love and good vibes. Keep manifesting your dreams...


Bottle walls look so cool XD

though I don't think I will ever make one

What are the puppers doing on the roof? o_O

Good luck finding a place!

 3 months ago  

I think it’s important to do things like that. It helps take the pressure off and you can go around at your leisure and find things on your own. We are house hunting ourselves and tried it with an agent but it’s a pain. My wife is also a lot better at finding the places than they are lol so it was kind of useless.

Hopefully you guys enjoy that area from back then!

 3 months ago  

We are house hunting ourselves and tried it with an agent but it’s a pain.
Good luck with that.

Hopefully you guys enjoy that area from back then!

Cheers buddy. I'm sure we will but I do have to say that I struggle with these important kind of steps. I do believe that women are generally better at these things/decisions.

Popping in here after a good nice break, blessings for both of you hope you find a sweet place to settle

 3 months ago  

Muito obrigado/muchas gracias e bem-vindo de volta!

Every house I ever bought I found on my own and then brought in an agent to help out. For me that was the only way.

The pit bulls on the roof neighborhood looks interesting. 😉

 3 months ago  

Makes me wonder how many houses you've bought and sold.

The dogs were funny indeed, although I prefer the one that isn't a pitbull ;^,)

Three total houses bought and sold. I think I might be done with that now. hahaha

I thought it was the real dog up there 🤣 I take a look three times to make sure it was sculptures. Wish you all the best with your choice for the future house🤗

 3 months ago  

They were real dogs and they ran over the roof and onto the balcony on the side haha!

I love the process and how it's unfolding, happy search to you both! 😍

What the? The dogs on the roof???

You need to pick a place it feels good for you as you gonna stay there for a long time

 3 months ago  

Three funny dogs indeed.
And I wholeheartedly agree with it having to feel good (for both of us)

You and Clare had a great adventure
Love that!

 3 months ago (edited) 

We sure did :^)