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RE: My Drawing Then From When I Was 9 Years Old

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago

Wow! I am impressed! You were ( are ) extremely talented!
And I can know this because I started drawing as soon as I could hold a pencil/ crayon myself.

I love the colors - your background looks amazing! - and the depiction of ( a dramatic ) story in a ( still ) drawing.

@clareartista you are gonna love this!

P.S. Macchiata, not sure if you listen to podcasts too, but if so, I thikn you would enjoy the conversation I had with clare today, that I turned into a podcast episode.

We talk about creativity and the book writing process ( and onward ). You can find it on my blog ;<)

 2 years ago  

I probably should have nurtured those a lot more but life happens haha. I worked hard for it though, as I was also taking extra classes, competitions every weekend, it was not easy. But I am glad that those early experiences also shaped my artistic journey. I'll check your podcast when I can, must be awesome :)

 2 years ago  

Life sure happens. Tell me about it.
I even had years where the system pretty much wrung all creativity ( and vitality ) out of me.
Glad I managed to turn that around. I am on fire now, creatively and I feel it's only the beginning! 🔥

P.S. I love to see people rekindle their creativity :<)
