Now what the actual hell! Why would you let such a thing slide. You were supposed to walk up and ask for the manager. Maybe the manager would be an ass too tho but you paid for that meal and deserved to be treated right!
What's actually happening around the globe. Here I was thinking that such things only happened in Nigeria where you go into a restaurant to eat and you're served cold and bland food. If you're a calm person and you try to complain, the restaurant owner would start throwing unnecessary tantrums...for your own money...
I pick my battles I guess, and that one wasn't worth fighting - I'll just not go back.
It's a global issue, and one that will get worse. It's not in all cases of course, but it's on the rise and that's not a good thing. I shudder to think what society will be like in fifty years. I'll be dead fortunately, because I think it's going to be a fucken terrible world.